Hey. This is not SBZ22 but FireBird. (I appreciate that- SBZ22)

Do you like The Simpsons?

Yes -
FireBird, TehMilkman, JestersOfTheMoon, Kupo, Dark Grapefruit, Arrohed Aria DaChazman, Lord Karkon, Upsilon

No - BoringGuy, NoSenseOfHumor, Grandpa (that means no one, apparently)

I LOVE THE SIMPSONS, I have simpsons stuff everywhere in my room!-DaChazman

My friend loves it so I'll take her word for it. The only episode I've ever seen is the one where he has to give a kidney transplant to his father. But it's inevidable for me that I always see the weirdest episode first! - ObsessionalConfessional

My station only shows 13 and 14 season episodes. -- JestersOfTheMoon

The Simpsons is awesome. My favourite is the episode where Homer sees the alien. "It brings us love! Get it!" --DG

That was an awesome episode. - DarkLordNache

The Simpsons ruulz! I love all the halloween episodes, especially the one where Homer goes into 3d. "Mmm, erotic cakes." -de dart arro

I love that episode! as a matter of fact, i have it on DVD!-DaChazman

bleh. Agent "bleh" Seethroo

The Simpsons rule! I'm such a nut about it, and I probobley know more about it then any of you (except possibley FireBird ). Jack Selby

You spelled probably wrong. - FireBird

And possibly. - FireBird

My flavourite was the halloween epiosode when Homer became the Grim Reaper, and Bart and Milhouse learn how to stop time. --Lord Karkon

It's okay. I don't watch it a whole lot.- SBZ22

The Simpsons ROCK!!!!!!!!!! Bart is my favorite character.-LimoZeener

I love The Simpsons! I have at least 21 Playmates Intelli-tronic interactive Simpsons figures! My fave character is The Comic Book Guy. I can do a great impression of him. Worst episode ever! OK, you can't hear it, but take my word for it that I can sound just like him. My friend is pretty good at doing Dr. Nick. Hi, everybody! I watch it every day at 6:30 and 7:00 and Friday at 11:30. - The Comic Book Guy Shopiom

My favorite character is either Raplh Wiggum, Martin Prince, or Professer Frink. GloinHaven! -
Professer "Gloiven!" FireBird

It is okay. Fanatic

It-It-s-It-sIt-s OKAY!?!? OKAY!?!?! You're CRAZY MON! - FireBird

It is very funny but I don't watch it that much.Don't know why.You didn't act like that when SBZ22 said it.

I LOVE THE SIMPSONS!! I never miss an episode EVER. No one does ANYTHING whilst the Simpsons are on. You can't stop me from watching it man. It's the highlight of my day other that going to Homestar Runner. It is the BEST show ever. And plus, it is the only show I actually watch on the T.V. I'm always on the computer and have no interest in T.V unless the Simpsons are on. Or possibly if the Chaps Brothers were to be on.... - M.J

How could you not love The Simpsons? Jack Selby

Darn straight. I like professor Frink the best. GLAVEN! - M.J

Yeah, and apparently, everyone on this wiki... A:Loves The Simpsons. or B:Haven't watched it. Jack Selby

I saw it before but don't love it. Fanatic

The simpsons Rock fhqwhgadsrtbcuiozsdn

I've got one poster with every single character, one poster just regular characters, one Sopranos spoof, and one pop-out-poster of Krusty saying "Don't be a square-- get Krusty hair!" advertising "Gee, your hair smells Krusty!" shampoo, newspaper clippings of the 300th episode, license plates covers, trash can, Simpsons Trivia, Simpsons Clue, Simpsons "Bart Vs. The Space Mutants" NES game, some old Burger King figurines, and some Simpsons Silly Putty. Maybe more, but I can't remember. -- FireBird "Put a pinch of sage in your boots and all day a spicy sent is your reward! - Martain Prince

I used to like The Simpsons, but i havent watched it for ages now, the newer episodes really are quite rubbish. There are only so many possible plot lines in Springfield... and anyway, Family Guy is so much funnier. --jeffthejiff

The older ones are were a little more... kid-friendly , but that won't keep me from watching the new ones... ususally. -- FireBird

I've got this way cool poster, you know the types that are a pic of something, but If you look closer, it is actually made up of thousands of little pictures? I have one of Homer in fron of duff Beer cans. The little pictures that make it up are all pics of scenes in the episodes. Its really really cool. - M.J

Those are cool. I gave up a puzzle of one. It was so hard, because the puzzle pieces were just little scenes and you had to make Bart. I gave up. -- FireBird

If anyone here doesn't like The Simpsons, they'd probably be too afraid to admit it... --Upsilon