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Finally, the awards you've been waiting for! The Homestar Runner characters are here to accept the honor of awards in several different categories. To vote, add your username to the list. Please just vote and don't add to the nominees. You can add a new category if you want, though! === Funniest Character === Strong Bad - PrincessofStrongBadia, Strongrad, SBZ22, Stinkoman K, PikmanFan, DeLoreanz1 Homestar Runner - InterruptorJones, ~Yaanu~, The Brothers E, Hobophobic, CB, Poot Slap Strong Sad - Hagurumon Homsar - Dark Grapefruit, Gemini, TehMilkman, TheCheatIsNotDead, Queen Of Town, CE1 === Coolest Character === Strong Bad - PrincessofStrongBadia, Strongrad, Gemini, Hagurumon, Hobophobic, PikmanFan, Strong Bad, DeLoreanz1, Poot Slap The Cheat - Dark Grapefruit, InterruptorJones, CE5, The Brothers E, Stinkoman K, TheCheatIsNotDead, CE1, CB Pom Pom - Another Fan, Yaanu, TehMilkman, SBZ22 === Best Character to Make Fun Of === The King Of Town - PrincessofStrongBadia, Another Fan, Dark Grapefruit,, SBZ22 Gemini, Yaanu, The Brothers E, Hagurumon, TheCheatIsNotDead, PikmanFan, CE1, DeLoreanz1, Poot Slap Strong Sad - Strongrad, TehMilkman, Hobophobic, Stinkoman K(Wiggity Weiner :D), CB Strong Mad - Homestar Runner - CE5 === Best Outfit === Strong Bad - PrincessofStrongBadia, Dark Grapefruit, InterruptorJones, Gemini TheCheatIsNotDead, DeLoreanz1 Coach Z - Strongrad,Another Fan, The Brothers E, TehMilkman, PikmanFan, gunhaver, CE1, CB Marzipan - Homsar -SBZ22 (Bowler hat is so cool!), Stinkoman K, Queen Of Town Homestar - William S., Yaanu, Hagurumon, Poot Slap === Smartest Character === Strong Bad - PrincessofStrongBadia, Gemini, PikmanFan, DeLoreanz1 The Cheat - Strongrad, InterruptorJones, CE5, The Brothers E, Stinkoman K, SBZ22 Strong Sad - Another Fan, Dark Grapefruit, Yaanu, TehMilkman, Hagurumon, Hobophobic, TheCheatIsNotDead, Queen Of Town, CE1, CB Marzipan - Homestar Runner TallAndMerciless (Seriously.), I.Q. of 52, You goot be smart! Poot Slap === Best Voice === Strong Bad - PrincessofStrongBadia, Strongrad, InterruptorJones, CE5, Stinkoman K, PikmanFan, DeLoreanz1 Coach Z - Yaanu, Hagurumon, gunhaver Homsar - Dark Grapefruit, Gemini, Hobophobic, TheCheatIsNotDead, Queen Of Town, CE1, CB Homestar - TehMilkman Bubs - The Brothers E, SBZ22 === Stupidest Character === Homestar Runner - PrincessofStrongBadia, Hagurumon, SBZ22, DeLoreanz1 Strong Mad - Another Fan, Dark Grapefruit, Gemini, CE5, Yaanu, The Brothers E, Hobophobic, Stinkoman K, TheCheatIsNotDead, CE1, CB The King Of Town - Strongrad PikmanFan Coach Z - Marzipan- TehMilkman === Best House === Strong Bad - PrincessofStrongBadia, The Brothers E, Stinkoman K, SBZ22, PikmanFan, gunhaver, CB, DeLoreanz1, Poot Slap The Cheat - Strongrad, Dark Grapefruit, InterruptorJones, Gemini, Hagurumon, Hobophobic, TheCheatIsNotDead, CE1 Homestar Runner - Another Fan, CE5, Yaanu Marzipan - === Cutest Character === Strong Bad - PrincessofStrongBadia, DeLoreanz1 The Cheat - Strongrad, Another Fan, Dark Grapefruit, Yaanu, The Brothers E, Hagurumon, Stinkoman K, TheCheatIsNotDead, SBZ22, PikmanFan, CB, Poot Slap Strong Sad - InterruptorJones Homestar Runner - Homsar - Gemini Marzipan - TehMilkman, gunhaver === Best Own Cartoon/Feature === King of Town - Marzipan - Strong Bad - Strongrad, Stevebad, PrincessofStrongBadia, Another Fan, Dark Grapefruit, InterruptorJones, Gemini, CE5, Yaanu, TehMilkman, TheCheatIsNotDead, Hagurumon, Stinkoman K, SBZ22, Queen Of Town, PikmanFan, CE1, CB, DeLoreanz1 Homestar Runner - The Brothers E, Poot Slap === Most Favorite Reject === Homeschool Winner - Yaanu, PrincessofStrongBadia,Another Fan, HomeschoolDJ, Hagurumon, Stinkoman K, TheCheatIsNotDead, DeLoreanz1 Trivia Time - Hobophobic The Yello Dello - Biscuit Dough Hands Man - The Brothers E, TehMilkman, gunhaver The Unguraits - Dark Grapefruit, CE1 The Thnikkman - SBZ22, Queen Of Town, PikmanFan, CB, ((Poot Slap) === Best Character that Can't Talk === The Cheat - PrincessofStrongBadia, Dark Grapefruit, Stinkoman K, TheCheatIsNotDead, SBZ22,Poot Slap PikmanFan, CB, DeLoreanz1 The Poopsmith - Hobophobic, CE1 Pom Pom -Another Fan, gunhaver A Butt - I have added THREE new categories, so keep on tranglin', I mean...votin'! === Best Musical Performer === Strong Bad - PrincessofStrongBadia, Stinkoman K, PikmanFan, DeLoreanz1 Coach Z - Hobophobic, Dark Grapefruit, SBZ22, Queen Of Town, CB, Poot Slap Bubs - TheCheatIsNotDead, gunhaver, CE1 Marzipan - === Best Artist === Strong Bad - PrincessofStrongBadia, PikmanFan (Trogdor anyone?), DeLoreanz1, Poot Slap The Cheat - Queen Of Town (Animations?), CE1 Strong Sad - Hobophobic, Dark Grapefruit, Stinkoman K, TheCheatIsNotDead, gunhaver, CB Marzipan - === Best Buddies === Strong Bad & The Cheat - PrincessofStrongBadia, Stinkoman K, TheCheatIsNotDead, PikmanFan, CB, DeLoreanz1 Homestar & Pom Pom - Dark Grapefruit, CE1, Poot Slap Strong Sad & Homsar - Coach Z & Bubs - Hobophobic, SBZ22, Queen Of Town gunhaver ---- Can we make our own nominations? And do they have to be main characters or can we include 20X6/1936 characters and others? -- InterruptorJones Well I guess you can nominate some more, but make sure there's not like 20 on the list. And let's try to keep it within the main cast. By "stupidest" character, do you mean with the least intelligence? or like, the most worthless? --TehMilkman The least intelligent. The Poopsmith hasn't been nominated for any awards? What's going on here? --JoeyDay Oh hold your horses! I'm gettin' one! -This One Time Well she changed the rules; you can nominate him if you want. What category are you thinking for? let me guess... Best Voice? --TehMilkman |