Can anyone change the WQOTW?

Sure: just add it to the list in the same format as the first one. -- Tom

Can we add the date it was chosen? -SibbieSong

Wow...I'm honored to have said the first quote! AgentSeethroo

Could we also have where they were quoted? ~Rainer~

If you like. I think some of these are funniest because they are out of context. -TallAndMerciless

Wow. I have two. AgentSeethroo

I'ma gonna have to spend more time trying to be funny and/or witty. -- InterruptorJones

You're a smart guy, Jonsey, I'm sure you can pull it off. AgentSeethroo

Try in the WikiSandbox.-(S Song)?

Yay, I was quoted! I wasn't even trying to be funny. --DG

OK. Um... Most of these are really dumb. The message I'm getting is if I make any 'wacky' metaphor, I'm going to have your heads laughed off. "I don't know what this is, but now it's BALEETED." With all due respect to Mr. Jones, that's not even a joke. It's a statement. It's like if someone copied and pasted this sentence and nominated it. Please people. Show some restraint. May I be allowed to de-nominate some of these?
bemused, TehMilkman
[EDIT: Oh I see now; it was a pity nomination as a result of Mr. Jones's expressed desire to be in the list. Err... it's still not noteworthy and doesn't belong on any quote of the anything list. The person who nominated it had good motives and all... but poor judgment]

I chose the Jones quote because I think it just displayed his mindset, the wiki baleet king, going as far as to delete things indiscrimanately, in fact, while I was bored, I drew a picture of an 'Official Jones Keyboard' which is effectively a big DELETE key, I'll scan it later.

Relax, dude. It's just something to brighten up the decor a little. Don't be such a spoilsport! Agent J

I'm just saying if mediocre quotes like some of these are acknowledged as Quote of the "hour or so," then there is truly nothing significant about them and the title of Quote of the Week is nothing special... I'm just trying to help you maintain the integrity of this here list. --T. Milkman

Mediocrity = bad. I agree. But it's not like 15 quotes are added each day. We add around 2 to 3 quotes a week, most are pretty funny. I at least think mine are funny. But I digress...
I think we should ride it out and see how it goes for the next little while. Cool? SuPeRaGeNtSeEtHrOooooo
[EDIT: Look at it this way. This is a way to stir creativity in WikiUsers!]

Very well. I like your response. I think at some point it would be good to reform-- er reform's not a good word, because it's still in the beginning-- well; establish a firm procedure for doing this. Maybe have a committee that approves quotes at a set time during the week. I believe I've made my peace for now. Just one more thing might I say, and you don't have to respond. I don't think this would "stir" creativity amongst users. It would just perpetuate more groaners. The best material would come unintentionally; naturally, if you will. If people say clever things for the sole purpose of being on the WQOTW, I don't think that would be a good thing. Farewell, then. --Teh "Milk" Man

You may like to know that the quote from Psycho Mike is a reference to a very funny toon called "One Ring to Rule Them All 2". [check it out] I'm not sure if that would affect its nomination, but I thought I'd point it out.

Thanks for pointing it out. I tried to watch it, but I'm on dial-up, so it didn't exactly work out. :-/ --Man of Milk

Shall we remove the Dr. Pepper quotes?
Personally, I think we should, quotes should be original.

Whatever! Mine IS original! I made that up with my own brain! You can remove the first one if you want, but the bubbly goodness one is all mine!. Agent "I made that crap up!" Seethroo

Yeah. If that's exactly how it is in the toon, there's really no question. --TehMilkman

I hope someone nominates my quote that replies to Arrohed Aria in WikiChat/WrittenSbemails.

Well then I guess you are a dork. -that was a realli stupid comment -de dart arro stings

Hehe, someone nominated me. I guess someone was trying to mollify me. But, really, I'm still the same. That quote isn't good enough. It was kind of funny, but it requires too much context; it's something of an inside joke. So really, thanks SibbieSong. But I decline the nomination. --TehMilkman

It's really cool that I was nominated. Please don't BALEET it! It can get me some more recognition. BTW, just out of curiosity, can something we say here in the comments get in WQOTW? -The Pregnant Melonade Guy

Can you add yourself? - FireBird

Seems like adding your self is a bit lame. -- InterruptorJones

True. - FireBird