Help! I thought tables might make the main menu look a little nicer, but now everything looks ugly! Is there some way to make the tables invisable? Or an alternative to tables that would not result in lots of scrolling? -
It's not ugly!! I think it looks great! Much more organized than before.
Either way, the tables never requierd lots of scrolling. But w/e. I think I seriously screwed up the main page so.........someone plz fix it. Thanks!
Why dont we just delete all the stuff around the links?
Does that look any better? I moved the 1st time here thing to the top and deleted u guyses coments at the bottom. HOpe thats ok. Not as much scrolling. -(Arrohed)
Hmm. I wanted it to look something like this: but I seem to have failed horably. is there a way to use coloums without the page looking incredably ugly? -
It doesn't look increadibly ugly. I don't like the way that other site looks. It looks cluttered. I think ours looks better.~(Arrohed)
i mean, i wanted it to organised in more of a sideways sort of layout. I thing it looks better. -
sorta like this, maybe.
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nahh. too ugly.
Hey! I know what we need! A picture of homestar runner to the right of the text! hmm. how can we do that though? its hard with this wiki system to make a picture line up with text like that. -
Alright, I guess that's fine. I don't realli care anywayz. I'm just happy that there's a site like this. I do like the HR pic idea tho. That would make the page more interesing.