Please note: You are viewing the pre-MediaWiki version of the Homestar Runner Wiki. Editing is disabled for purposes of historical preservation.
Shopiom Productions presents: Joeytoon! {JoeyDay is on the wiki, looking at his comments} {The comments page has been deleted and replaced with: I am a big fat dumb loser -JoeyDay} JoeyDay: There's a trolling in sight. {clicks on RecentChanges}{Looks at the part that says JoeyDay/Comments} Message: JoeyDay/Comments.......JoeyDay[I suck!] JoeyDay: That's peculiar. I know I didn't do that! {he looks all around the wiki and finds posts by him that he never wrote} There's definitely something wrong here. Even an idiot can see that! {His AIM bar blinks orange} Oh, gotta see the message. *click* EvilGuy221: im gonna take over this wiki! please excuse my lack of apostrophes and capital letters. *close message* JoeyDay: I need to get my wiki back! A random message appears on the desktop that says: JoeyDay: I don't trust that. There's just something fishy about it! I hope it will help somehow... *click* {suddenly, a big portal appears on the computer screen and sucks Joey into the wiki} JoeyDay: Wow, I'm in, my own website! I should be able to find out who's trying to take over my wiki now. {Joey walks past subpages and URLS and pages being edited, but does not find the soon-to-be wiki master} Where is he? *sigh* I'm gonna look in one more place: the Blocked IPs section. {does so and sees someone, and it's.........Agent Ten} JoeyDay: Hey, Agent Ten, whaaaaat are you doing? Agent Ten: I'm removing my IP address from here! JoeyDay: You're the one who's thefting my site? But, you're just a kid! Agent Ten: A very smart kid! Now, let's see...AgentNine is now BANNED! {screen flashes BANNED} JoeyDay: {angrily} That is a contributing user! Just because you hate AgentNine doesn't mean you had to ban him! Agent Ten: I'm an admin now. I can ban anyone I want! Shopiom: {appears} Whoa, there was this button, and I clicked on it, and now I'm in the computer! This is freaky! Agent Ten: {throws a rope} JoeyDay: {to Shopiom} Run! {JoeyDay and Shopiom run to the HomestarRunnerWiki} Agent Ten: You guys are right where I want you! {ties the rope around them, then ties the other end to a comma, so now the rope is hanging} The home page is where the most spam is! Shopiom: What does spam have to do with anything? Agent Ten: Glad you asked! {clicks on a word with his finger} {a giant bucket comes up} I shall lower you two into my tub of spam! JoeyDay: Big deal. I have to deal with spam a lot! Agent Ten: Yes, but the spam acts as acid! It will rip through your skin and tear you limb from limb! Let me show you. {gets out a keyboard and types a URL, then clicks on it with his finger} {The URL turns into a TV screen} TV screen: {shows Agent Ten lowering PrincessOfStrongBadia into the tub of spam. She screams, and a shredding sound is heard} {cut to outside TV screen} {The TV screen disappears} Agent Ten: So, now you see how it works! {takes out the keyboard again and presses the L key} {JoeyDay and Shopiom start to lower into the tub of spam} Shopiom: Well, this is it. We're done for. JoeyDay: Well, you're right. I have nothing positive to say about this. {suddenly, Tom and InterruptorJones appear and jump into the air. They then take the rope, and come back down onto the ground} {They then untie JoeyDay and Shopiom} Shopiom: Yay! You saved us! Tom: Actually, we were saving Joey. You just happened to be tied to the same rope as him. Shopiom: {angrily} If you couldn't block me, I would punch you so hard right now! {calms down} I have an idea to make sure the tub of spam will never kill anyone again! I'll need you guys' help, though. {whispers the plan} Got it? {Everyone pushes on the tub of spam. It falls, then shatters into pieces. The spam then vanishes} InterruptorJones: Now, we have to find a way to take care of Agent Ten. {AgentSeethroo and Gemini appear} Both: We can help! JoeyDay: Good! You guys need to- Gemini: We'll only help if you make us admins again! JoeyDay: But- AgentSeethroo: No buts! We won't help unless we become admins again! JoeyDay: OK, fine, I'll make you two admins again! Gemini: We already planned out what to do. I'll distract Agent Ten. AgentSeethroo: I'll unban AgentNine and ban Agent Ten. Gemini: {walks up to Agent Ten} Hey, Agent Ten! Agent Ten: What? Gemini: I'm a taurus! Agent Ten: What? Why are you a taurus if your name's Gemini? That's crazy! Gemini: You see, it all started when- {cut to the Blocked IPs room} AgentSeethroo: How am I gonna get past all these security cameras? {thinks} Oh, yeah! {turns invisible} {AgentNine's IP address is seen floating in mid-air and being taken to AgentNine's userspace} {AgentSeethroo becomes visible again, and puts AgentNine's IP address inside his username} {cut to the Preferences room} JoeyDay: Almost there... {presses 4 more buttons} Yes! I got my username back! {cut to AgentNine's userspace} AgentSeethroo: {walks to the Blocked IPs room and becomes invisible} {Agent Ten's IP address is seen floating into the space where AgentNine's IP address was} OK, he's banned now. {cut to the HomestarRunnerWiki, where Gemini is talking to Agent Ten} Gemini: And so, the geminis were- {Agent Ten disappears} They did it! {Everyone walks back to the HomestarRunnerWiki} {They then disappear and reappear at their computers} The End ADD ME IN IT! -NELSON339 What, and make into a horror toon? (Just Kidding) - CE1 Hey, I'd be on Joey's side! -Nelson339 Why do you always wanna be in a toon? I mean, this toon's so special, not even FireBrid? was in it. Or Hobophobic. I don't think we're worthy. Well, I'm not. I might have a comic, but naa, we're not main characters of the wiki. Or even secondary. I would probably be a reject. :( - CE1 Who's FireBrid? And AgentSeeThroo was never an admin. -- FireBird I wanted to have two former admins, and AgentSeethroo sometimes acts like an admin, so I thought I'd use him. Also, I wanted AS to use his invisibility skills! -Shopiom |