Um, hi. My name is A********. Oops, almost let it out. As you probably know, my favorite charactor is Homsar. He rocks!


I also (go ahead, laugh) like Strong Sad, even though he is not cool and is pummeled constantly by Strong Bad and Strong Mad.


My favorite emails are StrongBadEmail/army, StrongBadEmail/gimmicks, and StrongBadEmail/flashback. My favorite toon is A Jumping Jack Contest, even though it has passed away into the shadowland. :-(

Oh! as princessofstrongbadia posted (again, thanks!) you can see A jumping Jack Contest here:

StrongBadEmail/caffeine is also really good.


Run AaAaAaA!_comments.exe

OOh! A Jumping Jack Contest is my favourite toon too! And you're in luck because it's available at (go to jumpingjacks2). My name is PrincessofStrongBadia. You'll be seeing a lot of me, and I'm REALLY annoying!!!
P.S. Do you like Strong Bad? He is my honeybunch!!! ^_^

I've decided to apologize in advance for anything my rude friend Strongrad is bound to say. By the way welcome to the wiki have fun! -Stevebad

HAHAHA You like Strong Sad! Just kidding, I love Strong Sad too! He is so cool. His brothers only pummel him cuz they're jealous. Have fun here! --Dark Grapefruit

Oooh! Thanks! I never knew about the mirror. How do you ste up one? I've downloaded a few of my favorite toons but don't know what to do with them. Again, thank you! ~ AaAaAaA!

So, im guessing in my Board of Homstaration (check it out in WikiFanstuff), you want the spot of Homsar? Thought so. Strongrad

Sum A**** I am C**** and B** wanted to see C*******

Hey there! I like Strong Sad and Homsar, too. Welcome to the Wiki! I also can show you how to make a Homsar smiley. Like this: d:0 Like him? --MelonadeLuvr