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I AM GANON!!!! PHEAR ME, YOU PATHETIC MORTAL FLESHBAG WORM BABIES! I SHALL RULE YOU ALL WITH AN IRON FIST!!! You! Reading this! OBEY THE FIST! IT COMMANDS YOU!!!!!!! (gets hit in head with flying shoe) Random Person: Shut up! Me: Ow! My head!!!!! Hey all! As I said before, I be Ganon. I'll try to help out here as much as possible. I (like most of you) am a huge Strongbad fanatic. I hope this is the profile thing....if not, I'll get rid of this. If so, then yay! Cya around! ~ Ultimate Ganon ---- Welcome to the Wiki! Yup, this is the right place for profiles. You might want to go to Preferences and set your nickname though - the link's up at the top of the page. - Mithent ------------------------- ^_^ I did. I saw that my name wasnt all bluish, so I changed that and BEHOLD! it is bluish!!! Who knows where I can get the Trogdor MP3 from the CD? I wanna hear that song sooooo bad!!!!! Call me I'll put the CD player up to the phoneitsdotcomer ~ Ultimate Ganon You're funny!!!! PrincessofStrongBadia You like Zelda,huh? So do I!-HomestarGirl Ditto. Ganon is the coolest villain ever. (Only because Strong Bad doesn't really count as a villain anymore) -Dark Grapefruit YOU AND STRONG MAD ARE ALIKE IN SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS. Just kiddin'. Liked the shoe boysiness. ~ Pomx2 You are obviously an idiot, so SHUT UP or I'll fry your screen! I know i've given up being a troll, but you're so full of crap! (unknown)? Get off this wiki, Mega-Cheat- (StrongBadZone22)? i like zelda and i like throwing shoes!*throws shoe at wall* -duders307 Hey did you get your wikiuser name from the game Zelda?-LimoZeener Forget it. I did not notice all the talk about Zelda.-LimoZeener Zelda's the greatest game ever! - Da Bee |