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An [old] Message Board that was on H* for a very short time. Now you can only access the secret games from it on the Email page. === Easter Eggs === *If you click on the "O" in Bored you could access three games- The Cheat's smoking Challenge, Armless Invaders and Night Driving Challenge. *In Night Driving Challenge, if you get over 50,000 points, Strong Bad will say something when you die. This is because on his main page, (see Main Pages or Homestar Talker for details) he says he got the high score of 50,000 on the same game on his old T.V. *If you scroll over Strong Bad's head three times, he will say three different things. === Fun Facts === *On Armless Invaders, highlight your number of chances and type any number you want. On The Cheat's game, you can do the same, but with the score. *On Night Driving during the 5th game played, move car to far left and nothing will hit you. Works again during same session 3rd time played, then 2nd, then every time. *On Night Driving, the cars always follow the same routes: the red and white car and red car go down the centre, the green to the far right, and the truck to the far left then swerving to the middle. (And I always fall for that trick. -_-) *The Message Bored used to have several icons available for download as well. ---- === Transcript === Here is the transcript for the Night Driving Easter Egg: {Strong Bad is sitting at his TV playing Night Drivers and turns around} Strong Bad: Oh, you beat my high score, eh? Well check this out, I just finished! {We see a closeup of the screen. Strong Bad's score is one point higher than yours} Strong Bad: Oh, so close! I guess it's back to the drawing board for you! I mean, the Night Driving Board.... Get out of my basement! ---- High Score Bored 2000000 - Night Time Driving - Unknown Hzrd (awwww yeah..) 1270000 - Night Time Driving - Stinkoman X 1051600 - Night Time Driving - ImitationChocolate 1045900 - Night Time Driving - FireBird 101350 - Night Time Driving - CE5 15100 - Night Time Driving - Nelson339 5000 - Armless Invaders - (()) 2050 - Armless Invaders (No Cheatin') - princess 850 -Poot Slap 550 :-P - Armless Invaders - AdibM 950 - The Cheat's Smoking Challenge - AdibM ---- === Comments === Yes, I finally beat sb's score(not cheating)^O^ -smooth crimnal Oh, I should specify: for Armless Invaders, you cannot press backspace before typing. It will register as having zero chances and end the game. --DG Can you win at the armless invaders? How many points do you have to have? Here's the transcript for if you beat 50,000: Warning: Spoiler Below on the cheat game right click play for infinite lifes-(()) |