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Hey Every Peoples! I'm MelonadeLuvr. My favorite characters on H*R are Homsar, The Cheat, Homestar, and Strong Sad. (I really only like him out of pity, though.And cuz he's smart and writes poetry like I do.)Oh, and PomPom, 2. He rox. Marzipan's okay, but even though I like her cuz she's a girl like me, she gets kinda weird. Like in "Where's The Cheat?" and she thought that "Homestar Jr." (a.k.a. a sandwich) could talk. Anywho, I M kinda new here. I just found out how 2 edit pages. I don't know how 2 make text bigger, so if anybody knows how, then please post the instructions on my page.I don't know any good pics, so if any of U guys visiting my page know how to do pics, feel free 2 put as many pics that have anything 2 do w/ H*R, then feel free 2 post it in the provided space below. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Anyways, as long as U don't use bad words or nottin' like dat, cuz my parents read it (no, really, they do!) U can post on my page 'til your hearts content. If any of U guys reading my page like Homsar, then I found out how 2 make a Homsar smiley like this. d:0 Well, it looks kinda like him. And, thanx 2 PrincessOfStrongBadia, I know how 2 make an SB smiley. (>:o) Cool! [ :] That kinda looks like the Grape Nuts robot. Does anybody else know any H*R smileys? If so, pleeeeeeeease show me. Hope U peoples like my page!!!!!! If you want more H*R character smileys, click here. They're not that good, but, um..yeah... -But, um..yeah...Shopiom (The REALLY GREAT Thing)? Please refrain from using internet shorthand. But welcome to the wiki! -- JestersOfTheMoon Boxes: ||Help! I'm boxed!||On both sides, too|| ||||||Don't tell me... TWO ROWS? || Pics: Get a direct image. Flash won't work. I gotcha Homestar. -- JestersOfTheMoon How do you make the slash-type-things that make up the box? --MelonadeLuvr Do you see the backslash key? Press shift while holding it. -- JestersOfTheMoon Still doesn't work--oh well. Thanks so much whoever put the Homestar pic on my page. :)--MelonadeLuvr You've pressing shift while pressing "\"? And you are welcome. -- JestersOfTheMoon Yes I have been pressing that. This is all it does: / or ? oh well. I guess I just wasn't cut out to make a box. Wrong slash. \, not /. -- JestersOfTheMoon WEB SHORT HAND IS SO ANNOYING! I HATE IT! --bkmlb Thank you, bkmlb, for scaring our new member. -- JestersOfTheMoon |||| is this a box now? |||| Yay! Now I can make boxes!!!!! --MelonadeLuvr |||| so cool a box |||| ||||| so cool a big box || - || FireBird || |||| hi |||||| I'm ||||| Mel |||||| |||| ona ||||| del |||||| uvr |||||||| ||||| I guess |||||||| nobody |||||||||| ||||| wants to come to ||||||||||||| my page anymore. : ( ||||||||||||| || I WANT || ||||At least SOMEBODY likes my page. ||||||||||| Sigh. I wish I had something cool on my page that would make people want to come here. |||||||||||| ||My EVIL plan has started. You now have something cool on your page.|| |||||||COOL!!! I can't WAIT for it to be revealed!!!! ||||| |||| ??????? - Guy who thinks you're almost as weird as he is |||| Here are the pictures you wanted: TheCheatsCousin thanks for the pics Nice Homesar Pics.. - Homesar Wannabe ||zeroty- five more days left until awesome is awesome|||| ||I mean 5, not 05||-MyFavouriteWordAndLuckyNumberIsMyName|| |