The AgentSeethroo says: I'm the original agent!
The No Loafing says: I am gone for vacation.
The CE1 says: He once challenged a mushroom, but that's another story...
The AgentNine says: Hahahahahaha! (incessant laughing) I am so weird!
The PrincessOfStrongBadia says: Prepare to be subdued by obsessiveness!
The Shopiom says: When you're the master of time and space, you can't help but make some computers 404'd...
The InterruptorJones says: ...the oval office, prison, the Catholic girls' school, a voting booth, the YMCA, etc., etc., etc.
The CheatCommando says: Will they make it? Yes. I mean, tune in and find out!
The 1234567890 says: E=mc2, divided by the square root of 67 and- *punching sounds* Ow! Ow!
The !@#$%^&*() says: Holy crap! I was defeated? NOOOOOOO! *cries*
The WSX says: Who the crap is
I couldn't help but laugh at
InterruptorJones's. --
My quote's not really a quote. I mean, I used it once. You could say like, um... okay nevermind, that
is a good quote. -
Lordy, Oh Lordy, Look Who's Over There!
I'll delete your quote if you want. -
No, it's okay, I'm just indeciesive sometimes. -
The Brown Cicada
We have to change all Nelson339s to No Loafings.
What's a good quote for me? -