This is kinda like the quiz that Stevebad has. Once a week, i give a prize, you no the whole deal.


In late spring, strong bad would reach for a ____

____= A nice Cool One. --Lord Karkon

Strongrad E-mailed me and said I wasn't allowed to answer his quiz. Well had he not said that I would've won. Seriously he keeps copying me. Like when I joined this wiki I told him I joined and he immediately joined as well. And when I started adding cheesey icons to my userspace he copied me. And now with the quiz. C'mon Strongrad whats going on? --Stevebad

Look, maybe you don't want to take advice from "a horrible oaf", but just change your Wiki name! -- JestersOfTheMoon

A. A nice Cool one, correct Karkon.

Strong Sad is also known as ___

___= Gron Sad. -- JestersOfTheMoon