Note: I am Psycho Mike
I think I won the powerball.
Well I did not really but i do freak about
The Cheat and
Homsar. I love Homestar so much i am on it like at least once everyday. My sister is
Dark Grapefruit. We post under each others names sometimes so well ya. You can email me at or or and you can add it to your msn messanger except the last one.
Favourite Emails
I would have to say they are
StrongBadEmail/spring cleaning,
StrongBadEmail/sb_email 22,
StrongBadEmail/stunt double,
StrongBadEmail/monument, and
StrongBadEmail/different town.
Favourite Cartoons
These would be
20X6 vs. 1936,
Everybody To The Limit, and
Homsar's character video.
Big Projects I Have Worked On
Here they are:
- Main Pages (Thanks to my sister for this one.)
- Places (I started to put most of them and got everyone else contrubting.)
- Special Toons
- Secret Pages
Single Pages I Have Done
I cant remeber anymore but I will add them if I do.