Easter Eggs
- After watching the Marzipan video, wait about 15 seconds and a message from Strong Sad will pop up.
- This happens even if you don't click to the Marzipan video.
- The message says: vinegar toast? did you really think I'd fall for that?
- Little know fact: Mike once tried to feed Matt brownies with toothpaste in them, only to have the younger brother retaliate with vinegar toast. (From [ajc.com interview]. Free [login required].)
Fun Facts
- Marzipan in a field,
- A road,
- Cup of coffee,
- Beefy arm,
- Hello My Name Is Tag,
- Teeth,
- Florida,
- A Shirt with a gold necklace,
- Alarm Clock.
- Marzipan's fake IMs (SN hooray4dolphins):
- - 'sup strong bad? i heart you so much.
- - i like all your muscles
- - do you go hooray 4 dolphins? i do
- - ("webdings" font) i seriously hope you didn't somehow decode this. it would make me real sad.
- - are you trying to fade me?
- In the first easter egg Marzipan's guitar is called carl, which is a part of The Cheat's lousy 'puter animation.
- When she IMs Strong Bad, she says "Are you trying to fade me?" which of course is the name of Coach Z's new hit single
- "don't not dislike not" would mean she does like him
- Marzipan's "Free Concert for Birds" sign leans up against a cinder block, just like the stop sign in Strongbadia.
- This email marks the first time Carol has been mentioned as Marzipan's guitar. Before then, the guitar was nameless, and had an M on it instead.
- When this email first came out, The Brothers Chaps registered the AIM name hooray4dolphins. It was always online with an away message, saying that Marzipan wasn't really using that screenname since she doesn't use computers.