This is my userpage.
I have been an avid viewer of Homestar Runner and friends for quite some time, and I am glad to join this Wiki and will do my best to take part in the upkeep of such a huge database of information.
This userpage will be updated sometimse I guess, yeah...
Current Projects
1. Transcript for
In Search of the Yello Dello DVD
2. Update
Strong Mad Filmography
User Comments
Welcome to the place. I'm actually pretty new, myself. Have fun! -
Thank you for the warm welcome Nickel, and welcome to yourself! -
Hey, I was wondering if you would care to explain your name. It sounds like some Klingon word. -
DrakkMata is a mix of Drakkelian, a name I use in most websites/online games, and Squamata; the scientific name for snakes. Whilst in a roleplay chat one day, my character (Drakkelian) was transformed into a Snakeman. Thus, DrakkMata. I liked this comment, it's like I'm answering an SBEmail... -