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== Info == Everybody loves the Homestar Runner. He is a terrific athlete. -The Homestar Runner Enters the Strongest Man in the World Competition A terrific athlete, Homestar is the star of the show, though getting pushed around a lot by Strong Bad. Ever the butt of jokes, Homestar is an earnest character with a clean heart and nothing but love for the rest of mankind. Unfortunately, his absolute cluelessness and clumsiness keep him from realizing his full potential. He often tricks people with his stupidity, namely Strong Bad. You can never be quite sure whether he and Marzipan are going out or not, but he sure seems to think they are. His Halloween costumes over the years have been Kurt Cobain, The Greatest American Hero, Angus Young, and John McEnroe. (Check out some photos of Homestar Runner)? ---- == Greeting from Character Video == Page Title: Homerun Hitter! Homestar Runner: Oh, hello. Greetings, one and everyone. Welcome to me... Homestar... Runner... Homestar Runner. Um... what else? I pretty much run the show around here. I date the only girl, I have the only propeller cap. And can run, and jump, and kick the fastest, highest and like nobody's business. If I had to pick one word to describe myself, it would probably be...Fluffy Puff Marshmallows. Or Homestar. Either one, really. They both fit. Strong Bad: Don't forget doofus/moron/um...Lionel Richie. Homestar: Yeah, that too. That's another good one. In closing, I look good in red. Check it out. {turns around, sings} Butt dance, butt da-a-ance! [Watch his Character Tape] ---- == Complete Filmography == Debut: "The Homestar Runner Enters The Strongest Man in the World Contest" Marshmallow's Last Stand The King of Town DVD In Search Of The Yello Dello DVD The Reddest Radish Thing in a Bag In da Basement Homestarloween Party A Holiday Greeting Mother's day The House that Gave Sucky Treats The Best Decemberween Ever Superbowl Dealie Some Stupid Turkey Pumpkin Carve-nival A Decemberween Pageant Three Times Halloween Funjob A Jorb Well Done The Luau Where's The Cheat? The System Is Down Meet Marshie! The Interview Fluffy Puff Commercial Puppet Thing Theme Song Video First Time Here? Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon Cheat Commandos Puppet Jam (As "Homeslice") Puppet Jam 2 (As "Homeslice") Puppet Jam 3 (As "Homeslice") All MarzipansAnsweringMachines StrongBadEmail/crying StrongBadEmail/pom pom StrongBadEmail/dangeresque 3 StrongBadEmail/replacement StrongBadEmail/theme park StrongBadEmail/haircut StrongBadEmail/lunch special (voice only, in an easter egg) StrongBadEmail/car StrongBadEmail/flashback StrongBadEmail/different town StrongBadEmail/stupid stuff StrongBadEmail/monument StrongBadEmail/the bet StrongBadEmail/army StrongBadEmail/kind of cool StrongBadEmail/local news StrongBadEmail/couch patch StrongBadEmail/mile StrongBadEmail/labor day StrongBadEmail/impression StrongBadEmail/date StrongBadEmail/stunt double StrongBadEmail/the process StrongBadEmail/anything StrongBadEmail/sibbie StrongBadEmail/funny StrongBadEmail/privileges StrongBadEmail/mascot StrongBadEmail/2 emails StrongBadEmail/big white face StrongBadEmail/personal favorites StrongBadEmail/caper StrongBadEmail/the show StrongBadEmail/fingers StrongBadEmail/monster truck StrongBadEmail/japanese cartoon StrongBadEmail/island StrongBadEmail/50 emails StrongBadEmail/your friends StrongBadEmail/action figure StrongBadEmail/invisibility StrongBadEmail/helium StrongBadEmail/dullard StrongBadEmail/1 step ahead StrongBadEmail/super powers StrongBadEmail/the bird StrongBadEmail/halloweener ---- |