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These are points, like Hagurumon's HaguruPoints, that you can earn by being a big contributor on the Wiki, helping with stuff, etc. The names with the numbers beside them are the point recipients and their point count. A hundred points means you win this time. Then we'll have DeLoreAwards where points don't matter. Hagurumon 10 Hobophobic 10 More l8r! ---- Comments Wow! You totally got an idea from me! That adds about 1 popularity point to me. Cool! Did you give me 10 points for coming up with that idea? Or was it something else, like my RPG? -Hagurumon Part was for coming to me with your dreams. That was about three points. The other part was the RPG! You were right! --- You ever watch whose line is it anyway DeLoreanz1? fhq No, I don't like it. Really. I don't. I'll stop at this before I say something I shouldn't. DeLore-No-I-Don't ---- What would be worth points? -The Guy Named After a Digimon |