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run: c:\radio broadcasts\AwesomeGuy.mp33333 PLAY (NOTE: This is supposed to be like a Radio Show) AwesomeGuy: Hello and welcome to my UserSpace. I am AwesomeGuy. Or maybe That Awesome Guy, or AG. I'm pretty dorment, correcting speeling errors, and making occasional comments. I found this site through a [Google] Search. I am an agent of T.R.O.L.L. === [My IE Error Page] === Links: (Homestar Lingo)? Shameless Junk == [My Webpage] == FAHOOGLEWITZ is my made-up word. And Now, the news. [Beatles Record begins playing] [Backstage]: Hey! Turn that crap off! And Now, no news This is a test off the emergency aler- AwesomeGuy: [clearing throat] Yes, well back to the show. But not Homestar's "The Show". That was frickin' stupid. I have a totally awesome dog that's better than yours. LEEKO! LEEKO! LEEKO! I'M A SQUEAKY GUY! That is my favorite line. Ever. Seriously. It's from StrongBadEmail/funny. Theoretically, there would be infinite pages in a Wiki. Somebody back me up on that. ME HATE TROLLS! 1-800-TRLBSTRS Troll Busters! -- AG = Call in to our show! = ---- AwesomeGuy: Hey Rocco, who's up? Rocco: Line 1: Yo bkmlb! When somthing's deleeted, in your user space, who ya gonna call? T.R.O.L.L. BUSTERS! --Who's cool? BKMLB!! AwesomeGuy: Yes, well, thank you, tonight. |