There seemed to be a lot of chat about mirroring pages on Not the 100th Email!!! so i figured we were do for an official mirroring chat space. --
Clever Dan
My take: Don't do it, unless the page no longer exists or is temporary (e.g.
WeeklyFanstuff). We want more people to go to the official site, not less, so if the content is available there, we should direct them there instead of mirroring. --
I'm talking about like Marshmellows Last Stand, and Jumping Jack Contest, and who knows if Under Construction or Not the 100th Email!!! will still be there in 4 months. --
Clever Dan
I'm probably gonna sound real stupid but, exactly what is a mirror? I always thought it was a copy of a page. If so, how do you make one? --
I'm lookin' pretty dumb about now...a little help?
How to Mirror Pages
Okay, if you want to mirror a page off of you need to follow my step by step instructions.
I make mirroring fun!
1. Go to File, Save As, and save the hsr webpage you want to save.
2. Go to View, Source, and it will open up a text document.
3. Go to Search, and click Find
4. Type the word " swf " without the quoatations in it and click Find Next
5. Keep clicking next until it gets to a file name that is like sbemail101.swf (that is the flash's filename)
6. Now that we know the filename (for this tutorial its sbemail101.swf but it wont be always) we can go to
Win 9X
My Computer/ Windows/ Temporary Intenet Files
My Computer/ Documents and Settings/YOUR USER NAME HERE/ (Be sure to have view hidden folders on) Local Settings/ Temporary Internet Files/
7. Now that we are in we have to find the file
8. Locate the file in the folder and move it to the same place as you saved the webpage
9. Ok, double click and open the webpage you saved. Is it an exact copy of the real internet version? If not start over, if so go to step 10
10. Upload both the webpage and its folder of files and the .swf file to the same place on a webserver. (Be sure that your webspace provider allows .swf's to be stored on there.
11. Now your done!!!! So post the link here on the wiki!
there ya's go--
Clever Dan