Say what?

As discussed in WikiIdeas, the venerable Stu has created a #hrwiki IRC channel on EFnet. So everybody come chat!

I said, say what?

But how?

  1. If you're 13 or under, please get a parent's permission before coming on IRC.
  2. Download an IRC client. I recommend [mIRC]. [Trillian] works, too. [IRCHelp] is a good site to get you started.
  3. Pick a nickname. To avoid confusion, something similar to your nickname here would be nice. Mine is "MrJones".
  4. Log on to EFnet. Your IRC client should come with a list of servers for each network. If not, check out the Servers page on [].
  5. Join #hrwiki. Try /join #hrwiki, or look for a good place to type in a channel name.
  6. Chat. It's fun.
  7. Also, you can check out #HrWiki-Trivia for some fun. I hope to create a H*R trivia questions, but for right now, the defualt will have to do. -Stu

Speaking of trivia, I am rather interested in only having Homestar related trivia. Unfortunately, I am unable to find a decent list of questions/answers. I am wondering if you guys want to help me out. The script I am using is fairly simple. The format of questions/answers is like this.


What is the name of Pom-Pom's dog*Trivia Time
What is the name of the cockroach seen in "Personal Favorites"*Gavin

If you are interested in helping me out, create a txt file with your question/answers and email them to me :)

