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I can make Black & White Wallpapers for Windows and Mac. The one on StrongBadEmail/big white face is kind of fake so I can make actual real ones. First off, take a picture of your desktop with the Print Screen Sys Rq button on your keyboard (on the right of F12) and send it to and I will give you a reply back with your new Wallpaper! -TheDoggy Not only am Doing Black&White, now i am doing wallpapers of: The Cheats Computer, Compy 386, Tandy 400, Sqeaky Guy Strong Bad (from StrongBadEmail/funny), and I'm doing Strong Badia! So come on down and get your own in whatever way you want. -TheDoggy The army wallpaper in the Downloads page on! -Crap That is one catchy title. What is? |