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STRONG BAD: {singing} Do do do do, email me some words, doo-doo, some different words. {Reading email} Hey Strong Bad, I think you should make Homestar say stupid stuff, his voice is hilarious! Sincerely, Kevin Grumbles. {typing} Uh, you don't really have to MAKE Homestar say stupid stuff Grumbles {Strong Bad just mumbles every time he types "Grumbles"}, that's the guy's bread and butter. Or at least his, uh, cracker and mustard. No, the REAL challenge is to get Homestar to say something intelligent. If I can do that, then you owe me a batch of your special Grumblecakes. And if I fail, then I'll quit stealing the bricks from your house, one by one. Deal? Deal. {Strong Bad goes to get up from his chair and Homestar Runner is leaning over his shoulder.} HOMESTAR RUNNER: {quietly} Hi, Strong Bad. STRONG BAD: {surprised} Ah, geez! Homestar! HOMESTAR RUNNER: {not standing on one foot} Strong Bad, do you notice anything different about me today? STRONG BAD: Um, you broke into my house? HOMESTAR RUNNER: No I'm always doing that. STRONG BAD: {apparently unperturbed} Okay, what? HOMESTAR RUNNER: {standing on one foot} I'm standing on one foot! STRONG BAD: Yeah, great. Look, I'll give you half a Grumblecake if you can say something intelligent. HOMESTAR RUNNER: What's that? STRONG BAD: It's like a little cake with some, like, steam and sugar. HOMESTAR RUNNER: No, no, the other one. STRONG BAD: Oh, "intelligent"? HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah, yeah, intellivision. STRONG BAD: You know ... something smart. HOMESTAR RUNNER: I think I can do that. What's in it for me? STRONG BAD: {annoyed} Half a Grumblecake! HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, right. Okay, here goes-- STRONG BAD: No wait, put this stuff on.. it'll add to the illusion. {Strong Bad gives Homestar Runner a white lab coat, black-rimmed glasses with masking tape, and a test tube.} HOMESTAR RUNNER: Whoa, check me out, Strong Bad, I look a-smart! STRONG BAD: You sure do, stupid. Now say something. HOMESTAR RUNNER: And I'm standing on one foot! STRONG BAD: {urging} Come on, say something smart! You can do it! HOMESTAR RUNNER: Science! STRONG BAD: Uh, that's pretty good. Keep going! HOMESTAR RUNNER: Science again! I said science again! STRONG BAD: Let's move away from science. Try math. HOMESTAR RUNNER: Plus two. STRONG BAD: Okay, this isn't going-- HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hundred! STRONG BAD: {groans} I need to get my hands on some of them Grumblecakes! Maybe if I employ a little reverse psychologies.. If I ask a stupid enough question, I'll get an intelligent answer! {clears throat} I say, there, Homestar, butt's twelve by pies? HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ooh, yes! I got Strong Bad to say something stupid! {triumphantly} The Grumblecakes will be mine! (Homestar runs off.} STRONG BAD: What?! What the crap just happened?! Is it possible that I was just outsmarted by Homestar Runner?! {typing and shouting} I'LL GET YOU KEVIN GRUMBLES!!! {The Cheat enters with a tray of The Cheatcakes.} THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises} STRONG BAD: Get that mess outta here! I don't want none o' those Cheatcakes! {Smacks the tray of The Cheatcakes out of The Cheat's hands} THE CHEAT: {angry The Cheat noises} {The Cheat exits dejectedly.} STRONG BAD: {apologetically} No, wait, The Cheat, come back! {The Cheat comes back} Will you, um, fix me some.. mustard crackers? THE CHEAT: {angry The Cheat noises} {The Cheat exits again.} {The Paper comes down.} |