Changes by last author:

*After the paper, wait for The Cheat to fly back from the right. Click on him to hear Strong Sad say "I'm sad that he's flying".

Fun Facts
*When addressing Shack, Strong Bad types Shaq by mistake and erases it quickly, reffering to the NBA's tall player from the Lakers.
*During the helium scene, a keg that reads "melonade" sits off to the side, which is the same keg from the old A Jumping Jack Contest cartoon.

*And the Strong Sad quote is from The Cheat's attempt at a main page, where he says "I'm sad that I'm flying"

*This e-mail marks the first appearence of Marzipan's new mouth movement style. (Look closely at how her mouth moved in cartoons like Where's The Cheat? and you will see the change)