
Ending Peter Jacksons wonderfull film trilogy of The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King is available to own on DVD May 25! (Recommended for everyone! Unless your like, five years old.) - 04-12-04

More added to book. - 04-12-04

More. - 04-13-04

Realized Marzipan can't be Arwen and Eyown because it would be easy to mix them up. So no Eyown! - 04-13-04

Poor Homestar! - 04-17-04

Same thing with Eyown. So, Eyown and Galadriel will be Eywon and Galadrial.

More to the book. I worded off the movie almost exactly. (Thought I should throw the movie in somewhere). The Council of Elrod is about to begin! 05-06-04

It is finished! The Book is now over! The Two Evil Tall Things have already started. - 05-23-04
