( I realize that this one is very technical. Just follow along the best you can.)

Start out by making a slanted line. Then, from the top of that slanted line draw a straight horizonral line going on the same direction as your slanted line. Then, find about a half-way point on your straight line and draw a half-oval that reaches the length of the slanted line but there is sufficient space between the two lines. Then, start half-way through the right side of your half oval and make a hook that reaches outside the oval but ends on its edge. The drawing you have now should somehow resemble Homestar's head, so, ontop of his hat, draw a line slanted in the opposite direction as your original slanted line. Make kind of a "bow" ontop of it for hi propellar. For his eyes, make two backwards 6's, and colour the bottom parts in except for a small part (it will be the gleam in his eyes). Now, from his neck, make an enclosed trapezoid with a 5-pointed star in the middle. For the legs make two long things with big, gangly shoes at the bottom. Now, the doofus is on your paper!