Chapter 17

Athletes Footies

What is it
It is a rare disease which leaves the sufferer with swollen feet and in rare cases lead to abdomenal pain. Usually the feet will hurt for a couple of days and then deflate but in even rarer cases the swelling will leave you permanently scarred. Incidently it could also continue to swell every so often, but that's if you continue to do the cause of it.

How it is caught
It tends to be caught through dirty alleys and over walking in these areas. It can be passed through the usual cases, coughing, sneezing, breathing, etc. To avoid passing on make yourself solitary for a few days, while it does it's work. Try to avoid coming into contact with any other person or animal.

What's the Cure
Currently the only cure is to rest and avoid any walking and or exercise of any kind. However if it continues to swell seek medical help from your local Doctor or Hospital. There is no cure for scarring though at the present time.