Ideas for Homestar RunKart
Ideas and/or Improvements
- Homeschool winner-1st in command
- Strong Glad and Homsay(unnamed girl from dancin Bubs)-2nd in command (drive a two seated car)
- Dijery Doo-Lackey
Thanks for the idea! I'm going to use it.
Ummm.... You spelled hamster wrong. Have you been watching
[The Hamster Dance] too much? -
- The King of Town - His Kart is just a box covered in syrup, with >>>hampster<<<-like wheels powered by his sheep
Oh oh ooohhh.
Yannau, did you delete all of the stuff on Homestar Kart? Most of that wasn't just comments. -
What? I added some characters and deleted some of the ideas area. Maybe there's a troll going around. ~
So, you're the one who said "someone changed mine so I'm deleting the comments. If mine is changed again, the comments will be deleted again." If you are, then Tell me how to reverse it wit out recalling it all from memory. -
Oh, I thought you meant this one. No, I didn't touch the Homestar Kart area. Check the history, I wasn't there. if it's an IP adress who deleted it, I'm (buncha #)
I can't see that on the history. The version is the one with Firebird's comment, so it is impossible to tell who deleted it for me. I asked if you did it because the person who did it said that someone "drastically changed theirs" and I was assuming they were talking about this. -
How can I "drastically" change it? I don't even know what that means. I made this after the incident happened. ~Yaanu~
This password could give you all the secret teams:EVERYBODYEVERYBODY or IQUIT -
More passwords by him:
NOWWECANRETIRE:Already have items back
COMEONCAROLLETSROCK:Get all music tracks
ANDTHENTROGDORCOMESINTHENIGHT:Enter in this password if you want team wierd to win
STRONGBADWASSQUISHEDANDPOMPOMWON:Win it already! (only works if you selected pompom.)
And we should also be able to play as other characters!-
Nelson339 again