STRONG BAD: It's the e-mail, the e-mail, what what, the e-mail.


Hey Strong Bad, do you like techno at all? If so, what kind.

Silent J

Huh... very clever.

{typing} Well, its not really my style, but I heard a techno song one time that went like... {stops typing and mimicks a techno beat} doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom {resumes typing} And then this other part came in, and it was like... (stops typing again, the original beat is heard along with this new part} doodle-a-doom doodle-a-doom doodle-a-doom doodle-a-doom {resumes typing} And then there's always some kinda high pitched noise, y'know? Or like a siren that's like... {stops typing again and another part is added to the song} DOO-DA-DOO-DA-DIDDLE DOO-DA-DOO-DA-DIDDLE DOO-DA-DOO-DA-DIDDLE DOO-DA-DOO-DA-DIDDLE {resumes typing} And of course they have to put in the obligatory old movie quote from some sci-fi movie. It's like... {stops typing again, all the parts are there} The system is down! The system is down! The system is down! The system is down! {The screen starts going dark and light again. We zoom out to see The Cheat at his lightswitch, turning it on and off while twirling a glowstick, raving to the techno piece. Strong Bad walks up to him.} The Cheat is grounded! We had that lightswitch installed for you so you could turn the lights on and off, not so you could throw lightswitch raves! Now let's go break open that glow-stick and pour it in Homestar Runner's Mountain Dew. {They both start walking off.} I heard they have to pump your stomach when you drink that stuff.

{The paper comes down.}