STRONG BAD: {singing} Checkin' my email, checkin' my email, checkin'-checkin'-checkin'-checkin' my email. {stops singing}

Dear Mr Bad,
How do you know if someone's butt is stupid?
I mean, is there like some kind of IQ test?
Crapfully yours,

STRONG BAD: Oh, come on Tyler! Don't you remember your algebra, man? It's called the "Transitive Butt Property". And it clearly states that the "stupidity" of somebody's butt is greater than or equals to the "stupidity" of that person's head. {stupid (butt) {ed. "greater than or equal to" sign} stupid (head)} So, take our friend Homestar Runner for instance; {A very bad graphic of Homestar Runner appears on the screen that Strong Bad uses the teach and example.} Look at his stupid head. {stupid (head)} Look how stupid his head is. Okay, so you can easily infer from this that because he has such a stupid head that easily his butt is going to be at least as stupid if not stupider. {stupid/stupider (butt)} So there you have it.

Okay, so until next time, on a scale from one to awesome, I'm super great.

{The paper comes down, reading "Click here to email Strong Bad.}

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