
{Shows title screen, then cuts to Homestar and the Cheat}

THE CHEAT: {Mumbles some cheat talk}


THE CHEAT: {Mumbles some cheat talk}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: And work out twice a day?

THE CHEAT: {Mumbles some cheat talk}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, okay. Mash play on that jambox.

{The Cheat leaves}

{music starts to play, cuts to the Cheat holding an inflatible boom box, then to the Cheat's hand playing keyboard, then to Homestar}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Everybody knows it.

{Cuts to the Cheat's hand playing keyboard, then to Homestar}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Everybody knows it.

{The Cheat dances with Homestar, then Homestar is alone again.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Everybody knows it's true.

{The Cheat dances with Homestar, then Homestar is alone again.}


{The Cheat dances with Homestar, then Homestar is alone again.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: You gotta do the best you can.

{Cuts to the Cheat playing the keyboard, then to Homestar}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: And work out twice a day.

{Cuts to the Cheat playing the keyboard, then to Homestar spinning the proppeller on his hat, then to Homestar wearing dark sunglasses and holding a microphone}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Don't ask me why I said it.

{Cut's to him dancing around, then to Homestar wearing dark sunglasses and holing a microphone}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Because I already forgot.

{Cut's to the Cheat duplicated, then to the Cheat's hand playing keyboard, the Cheat dances with Homestar, then they stop dancing.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thanks the cheat! That was great!

THE CHEAT: {Mumbles some cheat talk}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: So I guess it's back to puting dog food in my shoes, huh?

THE CHEAT: {Mumbles some cheat talk, sounds like U-huh! Uh-Huh!}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Okay. See you later!

{both of them walk off.}