Easter Egg
- If you press "R", then at the end of the toon Homestar Runner will say "I hate that friggin' robot"
If you then press "F" after
Homestar says the robot thing, you will get a special announcement.
Here's the transcript for the "push F" secret.
(we see a bag of marshmallows, a jar of Fluffy Puff Mayo, and the logo)
Announcer:(speaks really quickly) Fluffy Puff Marshmallows and Marshmallow Mayo each sold separately. Comes with everything you see here. Batteries not included. Kids don't eat nails. (pause) Is that it? Am I done? Can I go? Anybody want to get something to eat?
Fun Facts
When the announcer says "Batteries not included. Kids don't eat nails." it is a reference to "Punch" during the cartoon.