Fun Facts
- A live version was included in Strong Bad Sings CD, the live lyrics are at (Strong Bad Sings Lyrics)?.
- In the Strong Bad email #46, "your friends", Strong Bad hits Bubs over the head with a gold record plaque entitled "Everybody To The Limit".
- For a split second, as the Robot appears, the words "COME ON" are replaced on screen by the word "LEMKE."
- Fhqwhgads comes from the StrongBadEmail called "i love you". Also, Strong Bad evidently dislikes incorrect spelling of fhqwhgads. According to him directly in "sibbie", he hates "fhqwhgrass" and "foobooman". Everyone has problems saying fhqwhgads, and Strong Mad can get the closest just by saying Douglas.
- The lyric "I asked my friend Joe, I asked my friend Jake" is accompanied by portraits of Joseph Kennedy and John F. Kennedy (Jake is a common nickname of John or Jack). However, perhaps deliberately (i.e., to highlight yet again the sloppy animation style of The Cheat), Strong Bad gestures to them in the opposite order the lyrics features the names.
- - Actually, the portraits are of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. And as far as I could find, Jake is only short for Jacob. I think the lyrics are simply making up names that don't have anything to do with the photos.
- When the baseball gets hit out of the park, the scoreboard sign has a Coca Cola design and says "Enjoy Fhqwhgads". It's a spoof of enjoy Coke!
- Along with the Atari Dragon from "Adventure!", a wiffle ball is used throughout the video to represent fhqwhgads. Notice it appear when Strong Bad says fhqwhgads and over "Joe & Jake"'s mouths when Strong Bad says "They said it was fhqwhgads!".
??I always thought fhqwhgads was that one yellow duck from the Atari game "Suicide Mission"??