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{Strong Bad is on his Compy 386, reading what The Poopsmith answered him with.} STRONG BAD: What the crap? Aww, man. No whatsit in Strong Sad's pillow. STRONG SAD: May we all rejoice! STRONG BAD: I'LL REJOICE YOUR FACE!
{Strong Bad beats up Strong Sad.} STRONG SAD: Ow, I think you broke my arm. STRONG BAD: AH! MY ARM'S STUCK UNDER THE TV! STRONG BAD: THE CHEAT! GET ME OUT OF HERE!
{The Cheat rushes to the room.} THE CHEAT: Meh (not understandable) mehna (not understandable), mehmay? STRONG BAD: WHAT? A THREE-DAY VACATION? NO, GET ME OUT FROM HERE!
{The Cheat puts on sunglasses and sits in the crisper.} STRONG BAD: Oh, the pain. STRONG SAD{muffled}: Stro Ba? STRONG BAD: Oh, ho. Strong Sad got smashed under the couch.
~3 Days Later...~ {Strong Bad is in the hospital.} HOMESTAR: Strong Bad, wake up. STRONG BAD: Where am I? HOMESTAR: I dunno. But how 'bout we talk ABOUT marshmallows. You know when the marshmallows...
{''Tranfers to Strong Bad's, under the couch. STRONG SAD{muffled}: Ge mi ow.