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Fri, 18 Jun 2004 07:23:07 . . . . Da Bee

Changes by last author:

You've saved your castle and your land. It took a while to rebuild from the damage of Strong Bad's riegn. But everything was made better and everyone rejoiced, except the Poopsmith. You never freed him from Strong Bad. And now he hides, his anger growing, and growing...until he lets it out and crushes everything in one fell swoop. Be prepared. Be prepared...

You wake up in the night to hear a scream!
You find out it was the blacksmith.
When you go back up to bed, you find...
do you:

a. scream
b. run away
c. greet him

A) You scream and it startles him. He runs away, but now you know he
lurks around the castle. You know he hates dung-repelent. do you:

d. go to the great hall
e. go through the moonlight corridoor
f. go to the kitchen

B) You run away and decide to go to the Blacksmith's.
You go in and find the blacksmith shaken up. do you:

g. comfort him
h. ask what happened
i. give him some chocolate

C) You go to greet him but he clomps you around the head. Too bad.
Better luck next time.

D)You go to the graet hall. Luckily he's not there.
now, do you:

e. go to the moonlight Corridoor
f. go to the kitchen
j. go to the storage cupboard

E)You walk through the moonlit corridoor.
Suddenly The Poopsmith jumps out!
what do you do:

c. greet him
k. fight him
l. run to your throne room

F)You go to your favourite place. In there you find a bowl of leftover
pasta. do you:

m. eat it
e. go to the moonlight corridoor
l. go to your throne room

G)You try to comfort him but he just attracts unwanted
attention. Go to (e).

H)You ask him what happened. He says, do you want the good news,
bad news or crazy news:

p. good news
q. bad news
r. crazy news

I)You give him some chocolate and he calms down. He tells you the
whole story, about the Poopsmith. Go to the bottom of the page.

The Poopsmith's parents once worked for the wealthy family of Folcatrenz. They worked happily for years doing what had been passed down for generations...shovelling waste. But one day their owner got plumbing installed and they were out of work. They were thrown into the dungeons for they were no use anymore. They escaped but the father died. The mother was pregnant but, miraculously, managed to escape. She gave birth at a small town called Cliff Ridge USA. She told her son never to let himself be held prisoner. She died at an early age and her son grew up into a great shoveller for the third king of that village. And he took his mother's dying words to heart " Don't be pushed around "...

do you:

s. look for the poopsmith
t. look in the shed
u. go to the film studio

J)You go to the storage cupboard. Inside you find nothing and when
you turn around you see him. He clomps you round the head. Better luck next time.

K)You try to fight him, but he's got a shovel and you've got nothing.
You die. Better luck next time.

L)You manage to escape. You find the door to your throne room. However when you
walk in you find three corridoors. You put those in to stop anyone else getting
to your throne room. Which one do you take:

v. the east one
w. the west one
x. the north one

M)You eat the pasta but since it's too old you get food poisoning. You fall
down and die. Better luck next time.

P)The good news is the dung repelent is in the stable.
Better go to (n).

Q)The bad news is the Poopsmith is right behind you.
Better luck next time.

R)The crazy news is...you're dreaming. Go to the beginning.

S)You look for The Poopsmith, but can't find him now.
Where do you go:

y. the dungeons
z. the attic
o. the courtyard

T)You look in the shed but all you find is a poisonous spider. Wait a minute,
POISONOUS SPIDER. Better luck next time.

U)You look in the film studio but find nothing except him.
Go to the number (1).

V)You look in the east one but drop into a pit full of spikes.
Better luck next time.

W)You take the west one and enter your throne room.
Suddenly the Poopsmith jumps out on you. Go to (1).

X)You take the north one and drop into a bottomless pit which
ends at The Poopsmith's crap pile. Better luck next time.

Y)You check the dungeons and find nothing.
Now, do you:

z. the attic
t. look in the shed
e. go to the moonlight corridoor

Z)You look in the attic and see nothing.
You fall through a hole. Better luck next time.

1)You and The Poopsmith have an epic battle. He loses though
and you win. So you live and he returns to his dead end job.