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BUBS: Personally, I'd have to join the Black Bayonets. They have the coolest name. COACH Z: Nah. I'm sidin' with the Homestarmy. They get free marshmallows and have talent night. BUBS: What're you talkin'? COACH Z: They got talent night every Saturday. I'ma gonna go do some rappin'. BUBS: No, I mean about the free marshmallows. COACH Z: Them Fluffy Puff things. I hear they're really yummy. BUBS: Nobody says "yummy" no more. We say "delicious". Or, if you're a The Cheat, you'd say "mar". COACH Z: Really? I hough "mar" meant "I left two stinkies." BUBS: Yeah. Or if you're a Pom-Pom, then you go make bubble noises. COACH Z: Never woulda guessed, Bubs. Turn it off (Watch more)? |