Changes by last author:


Cowcopter(typing):mmm mm m mm m mm m mmm(Email me)

Dear Cowcopter,
Find a clever way to catch The Worm already!
Cowcopter:"Shopiom"? Is that like "Shop at iom"?....Whatever.

Cowcopter(typing):Well I can't do much to try, I'm ALWAYS FLYING AROUND!!!! I mean-
(Wheelchair comes in)
Wheelchair:Hey, Cowcopter! Have you seen Eh! Steve!?
Cowcopter:mmm mmm m m mm mm mmmmm mm.
Wheelchair:Okay thanks!
Cowcopter(typing):As I was saying, I mean there is no other way for me to get him because:#1:I have no arms. #2:IM ALWAYS FLYING AROUND!!!

(the paper comes down)

Eh! Steve!:EH! STEVE!
