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Mon, 05 Jul 2004 19:11:43 . . . . Shopiom [The Conductor-CE1]

Changes by last author:

Senor: *turns computer on*

Senor: *types* Run E-Mail Ver. 1.2...


questions NEW!


Dear Senor,

Why are you blue? Do you like Fluffy Puff Marshmallows? Are you really purple? Who is John Doe? Are you John Doe? Have you seen Shrek? Have you seen Shrek 2? Have you ever played any video games? Where exactly is the joint? Do you like Strong Bad? Have you gone to the Easter Islands? Does Strong Sad really suck? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you suck? Here's more questions: Does Homestar suck? Do you know the Poopsmith? Is it Cheat or The Cheat?



Dear CE1,

I was born that way. Yes. No. Someone unknown. No. No. No. Yes. I don't know. No. No. No. What? No. No. Yes. The Cheat.



