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== Transcript == Featuring: Strong Bad INTRODUCTION Strong Bad: Hello everybody! This week it's time for some spring cleaning. Ready go! Dear Strong Bad, Why do you hate Homestar so much? He seems like a nice guy to me. Caitlyn Strong Bad: Oh, what a good question! Let me think about how I should answer that question... == DELETED!! == Strong Bad: Ha ha ha, that felt great. What's next? Do you have a secret crush with marzipan? steve sterling, VA Strong Bad: Ah, this question is definitely worth my time and consideration. == DELETED!! == Strong Bad: Uh ho ho, this is getting good. Dear Strong Bad, How do you type with boxing gloves on? Mike, Bend Oregon Strong Bad: Oh, that's a new one. No way do I get this freaking question all the time. I suppose I'll probably answer it right now. == DELETED!! == Strong Bad: {laughing} Whoa, who's next man? Dear Strong Bad, Are you made of crap? Did you invent the word crap? Where did the word crap come from? Crapfully crapfully, Chad Strong Bad: Oh, I'll totally answer this one because apparently the only thing I'm concerned with is the word crap- == DELETED!! == Strong Bad: Oh, I'm on a roll! Strong Bad, Your last email was pathetic. I was disappointed. Come on, you can do better than that! This is like the highlight of my week. Surprised at your lack of humor, Sue {Instead of saying "Sue", he says "deleted".} == DELETED!! == Strong Bad: Aaaah! I feel so cleansed. So fresh and so clean, clean. Okay, so until next time ain't nobody dope as me. {The Paper comes out and it says "Click here to e-mail strong bad", click on the text to email him.} ---- Transcribed by a user at in Stockholm, Sweden |