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== Strong Badia National Anthem == Track: 3 Time: 2 minutes 12 seconds Artist: Strong Bad and Mrs. Partsmatter's 3rd grade class Style: School Song == Info == Remix of the song from StrongBadEmail/Flag Day. They actually got a first (not third!) grade class to sing with them. The Cheat plays the piano. == Lyrics == {Children talking} STRONG BAD: {talking} Ok, settle down class. Settle down, uh, we gotta get this right, or nobody gets any chocolate milk, for the rest of, of the term. I will be accompanied by Mr. Cheaterson on the piano, so would everyone please rise for the presentation of our national colors. {piano plays} Shh! Hey, you zip it ! Jerome, Jerome, show some respect. Spit that gum out. Shut-up ! I’m gonna freaking... {piano plays faster} Oh Yeah! Oh I like that. KIDS AND STRONG BAD: {singing} Come to the place where tropical breezes flow. Come to the coolest place I know. STRONG BAD: The people are so great, But really there’s only me, And that means I’m so great, And also there’s the Cheat. KIDS AND STRONG BAD: Oh there’s the Cheat In the place where the tropical breezes blow The Cheat in the coolest place I know STRONG BAD: And the ones are always cold, And the parties last all night, And there’s probably lots of chocolate, And population tire KIDS AND STRONG BAD: Population... tiiiire. STRONG BAD: {talking} That was pretty good. I’ll tell you what: you guys can get low fat, sugar free, chocolate skim milk from now on. KIDS: Aww ! STRONG BAD: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Go back to class. |