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Wed, 09 Jun 2004 19:28:02 . . . . The Conductor [some kinda homsar]

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Hey, if you say "Homestar Runner" as Homestar would say it, it would sound like Homeschool Winner. That's what always made me think, maybe Matt was usin H*R's voice when he told her. --AgentNine

No, I don't think they had even made any cartoons when that happened. -CE5

Then how could the person ask the name of the WEBSITE? That means if they had a website they had voices. --AgentNine

there are a plethora of resons why homeschool winner did not appear in any cartoons yet for one, no voice(matt has no voices left to use on him) of toomany h-people(homestar, homsar) -- homsarianwarlord

i might be crazy, but maybe they were gonna do Homeschool, but they did Homsar instead. What would be really weird is if Homeschool Winner was in disguise of... - The Brothers Chaps Are Really Cool, Huh!