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Bubbla Bubbla bubble. I am PomPom Pomer! PomPom is awesome! I don't think that you will ever see a guy who likes PomPom any more than me. *See the [email in fullscreen] Bubbla Bubbla Bubble. Bubbla Bubbla. Strong Bad shows PomPom how to flick someone off with boxing gloves. Personally, I like how if you throw stuff at him, it will sink into his oversized stomach. He always does that with his cellphone and pom pilot. If you come across a TheCheat?, dump him on PomPom, and he will sink into PomPom. PomPom will be a little fatter and bigger if you do that. Just press the part that The TheCheat? fell into, and he will pop out. Hahaha. |