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*Here's the Instructions: **Look around by typing stuff like "Look". **Talk to folks by typing "talk" or "talk man". **Take items by typing "get (item)" **Use items by typing "use (item)". You can also "throw (item)", "give (item)", or some other action words. **Type "inv" to see your Inventory. **Type "save" to save your game and "load" to load a game. (Cookies must be enabled.) **Press + or - to speed up or slow down your character. *Write things down, you might need it later. *Remember to always LOOK around at things... you never know. Sometimes you get funny messages, other times they might be important. *Wondering where the lost item is from the Baby Lady's Cottage is? Try getting some berries. *The fisherman is out of bait. Maybe if you had some bait or feed. *You can't kill Kerrick without a weapon. Try finding one. *Check around your burninated cottage. You might find usefull things there. *How do you get across the river? Try going south all the way. *Remember, save occasionaly. If you die you can always load a saved game. |