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HOMESTAR RUNNER: {walks on stage} Oh hello. And now for a special punishment-I mean presentation from Strong Baaaaaaaaaaaaad. {walks off stage} {We see Strong Bad behind a curtain.} HOMESTAR RUNNER: Strong Bad! Go! STRONG BAD: Oh man, there's no way I'm going out there. HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh yes you are. You lost fair and square.Goooo... STRONG BAD: No! HOMESTAR RUNNER: Go! STRONG BAD: No. Rrrrrrraaaaaaaah! HOMESTAR RUNNER: Go! {Strong Bad is pushed onto stage.} {laughter} HOMESTAR RUNNER: Go on... STRONG BAD: ..ahem...Hrrmrrdrr. HOMESTAR RUNNER: What? STRONG BAD: Happymaddaday. HOMESTAR RUNNER: We can't hear you! STRONG BAD: HAPPY FREAKING MOTHERS DAAAY! {laughter} HOMESTAR RUNNER: You had to say it. Pom-Pom, seriously. He had to say it. STRONG BAD: Oh man. That's the last time I play you guys in cards. You guys are freaking ruthless man. I'm outta here. More like 'Crappy Mother's Day', if you ask me. Cause it's probably pretty crappy so far. And I'm not even a mother. |