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Mon, 02 Aug 2004 04:53:01 . . . . EboMike [Added yet another comment about the accent.]

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== Fun Facts ==

*If you look closely you can see the book belongs to Cherry Greg, who directed the First Time Here? cartoon and the Fluffy Puff Commercial with Homestar.

*You can see a Trogdor graffiti to the right when the "Martini's go to their heads"

*Despite various debates about Cold Ones, the crack about martinis going to people's heads is the first unquestionable alcohol reference in H*R.
**Does the downloadable Strong Bad screensaver that advertises "Strong Beer: Alcoholic Cold Ones" count?
**What about Coach Z's "Coldson Lite" in the sbemail 'Labor Day'?
**And what about on www.thoraxcorp.com where on the staph page it says, "hear their drunken ramblings"?

*For people who don't know, [Liberace] was a professional piano player. Yes, those gold rings are real. He was very fond of his expensive jewelry.
**Strong Bad must be from the south. He says, "Liberace is FIXING TO lose a finger." The phrase "fixing to" is distinctly southern.
***Given that the Brothers Chaps are from Atlanta, its probably not intentional. Piscez
***It could also explain why he thinks Southern Accents are hot.
**** No wonder Strong Bad has a mexican accent!
*****Well, he used to, I think he's grown out of it.
*****"Southern" is totally different from "Mexican". I assume this whole Mexican Wrestling thing had more to do with it, prime example probably being Marshmallow's Last Stand.