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<code> ___ _____________ |_1_| | | ___ | 12 | | 2 | | | ____| _ |_____ |_____________| | | | | |____/ \_____| _ /_\ 3->|_| __________ ___|__|____ | ________ | | 4 | || || | ______ | || 5 || |___||__||__| ||___ ___|| ____ |____||____| | 6 | |____| __________ ______ 8->|__________| 7->|______| </code> ---- ||*1:Blankbadia|| ||6:QWERTYUIOP's house|| ||2:The Eating Place|| ||7:QAZ's Concession Stand|| ||3:City Square (get it?)|| ||8:ASDFGHJKL's house|| ||4:City Hall|| ||*9:Leafsboro|| ||5:The Park|| ||**10:House|| *You can move in there. {Ask first!} **A place to live out in the country. {Ask before moving in} |