The version of himself which Strong Bad dreams up in the Strong Bad Email
Kind of Cool. "An ugly dumpy guy with a beer belly and a comb-over," but still the coolest guy in the world(just a different kind of cool).
He carries an Aldi shopping bag around with him (Aldi is a US bargain supermarket chain), which inside has at least several moist candy bars; though he has always been seen eating the crunchy-peanut-butter-toasted-coconut "Zagnut" brand. Even if you were a dude he'd still call at you like you were a lady.
Apparently, he looks exactly like
Senor Cardgage, as seen in "Senor Mortgage".
"Excuse me, I've got some very important lines to stand in."
"Well, excardon me..."
"Many combolations, Elizagerth. I hope you get all my... particles..."
"Hi there, belindas."
"No Probalo!"
Complete Filmography
StrongBadEmail/kind of cool (Debut)
StrongBadEmail/flashback (Easter Egg)
Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon (his ALDI shopping bag appears among the stolen goods)
See also
Senor Cardgage