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You can find the radio segment [Here] ----- ----- = Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto = <code> |--------|[X] |Windows .01| |-----------| | . \/. | | __ | |-----------| </code> nope.i am first! BEOW! | |\||LALALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA|| | I'M FIRST!!!!!!!! IN YOUR FACE! I ROOL! ||#I'm 2nd! >strongbad.exe -kill chicken pie Result: Strong Bad is Dead. I deleted this because its annoying and useless----- did you kill strong bad? coz you cant kill strong bad = Strong Bad does not have five hundred butts! = ----- The people's best friend! ----- same with this ... YAY i like that game... ----- ----- My crap is prettier than Strong Bad! DANCE AND PRANCE!!!! (Angus was here) ooooooooooo\oooo/ oooooooooooo\()/ ooooooooooooo|| ooooooooooooo|| ooooooooooooo/\ oooooooooooo/oo\ oooooooo ooooooo ||Looks|| ||Like || ||I'm || ||Gonna|| ||Hafta|| ||Jump || acii art !!!!!!!!!! _*)_*) liol liol? i suck Man jumping off building while eating an old sandwitch ----- A typical day on strong bad's computer. >kill_homestar.exe No such file. >no_really_kill_homestar.exe No such file. >strongbad_email.exe Dear Strong Bad, Do you ever take you boxing gloves off? Sincerely, Some crapface idiot who won't stop asking! >Let me think about that one... = DELETED!!! = = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = hi this is crap i dont know why i didn't delete this! [Men at work] wormy-squirmy-dirty coool ive finnally started editin stuff [Google, EHHHHHHHHHH?] [Yahoo! EHHHHHHHHHHHH?] [Change the link name] ----am i here???-kingofhomsaria ||1||2|| ||3||4|| ---- =================================================================================================================================== WikiSandbox = DOES THIS PAGE MAKE ME LOOK FAT???? NO???=================================================================================================================================== HoBo? Homestar Runner They all laughed when I said I wanted to become a stand-up comedian... but no one's laughing now! mua hahahaha Bobby w00t printer cartiSPAM!! I GET KNOCKED DOWN BUT I GET UP AGAIN YOU'RE NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN (I''m always one call awaaay...)- ZellKemuri || FREE CHEEZ WHIZ!!!! || Can I have some? ||Hi Moooooooooooo|| ||I'm not insane|| || Am I sane? || || What can you see? On the horizon! White shores are calling me home! || <html>[text color=green]"sup people"[/text] that didn't work ummm <font color="red"> sup dawgs </font></html> Hey cyco here,i just got a new computer so now i can edit!so ill just say hi. ||fhqwhgads|| ||hi|| :I retract that. I just noticed the pages being moved. I was very pissed before, and I apologise. I should have paid more attention to how you have things organized. Still, I will leave, considering the ass I have made of myself. I still feel quite strongly that the POH handheld is seperate from the original version, however. Considering the content that was added in that deleted page, you might consider at the very least merging some of it into the regular POH page. Anywho, enjoy. Deleting my cookie. -- fortysevenbteg ::fortysevenbteg: Please see the note in your userspace. -- Tom = Blackjack ads = BALEETED!! = Roses really smell like boo boo-boo. LimoZeen d trogdor magic card.jpeg thejeek joeyday i dont think itll work italicprint hello im all confuse but ill try to do something || lets see this makes a boxx right? || lets see if this will work rejects ---- = HEEKY!!HEEKY!! FAHOOGLEWITZ!!! = ---- and i can make a pic like this i think right hope it workes lets find out = I am so awesome = (dingdingworth)? ~DudeGuy?12345 TBC TLC nope it just made a link lets try again free linkthejeek it worked!! Horray! im cool i think ~DudeGuy?12345 'OH NO MR POOP' tester-mester = take it to the house!! = P-Gunther = gone astray = P-Gun = ZORK! = P-Gun = LETS NOT TAKE IT TO THE HIZOUSE = P-Gun Time to shovel the cat crap out of the sand box... *deletes last 500k of text* Hi this part has been messed with. Welcome to the illustrious world of Jweb Guru, who has more money in his pocket right now than you do. P-GunBox? RIPBURGER WAS HERE!!!!!!!! What the... P-Gun That...thing will haunt my dreams forever. (Mr. Deeds) P-Gun || || P-Gun || Join TROLL today T.R.O.L.L. || P-Gun ||so, i can make HAPPY DAY!a box?|| ||cool||blah || P-Gun does this work? NO! P-Gunhaver just got a great idea... P-Gun |||| ||box!P-Gun || P-Gun i shall duel u P-Gun Random! |||| P-Gun == How do you make text small == P-Gun === Now i get it === P-Gunolverredgraet = W00t ======================== ||Noooo! I have no butt!!!!|| BECAUSE IT'S MIDNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-LimoZeener ((Prince of Town is svelt How do you get frames from the StrongBadEmails? = Why can't we use html?!?!?!?! = ::::: Comanche == HA HA Ha == Another Fan = = I changed it so it looks better. ||I rarely think outside the box||Biggest box ever|| ||yay we're boxmates||Help! I'm trapped in a box with this weirdo!|| ||Finally i learded how to make boxes||We're all a BOX!!!!!|| ||Another Fan||BOX|| Edit edit, learning how to edit, whee. GIRL PANTS! alakazam9891 ||a||b||c||d||e|| ||f||g||h||i||j|| ||k||l||m||n||o|| ||p||q||r||s||t|| ||u||v||w||x||y|| ||z||Y||A||Y||!|| ||Please let me out of this butt! I'm gonnak the wall||Monster!|| || || || || || || ||italics, bold, and both|| ||Who are you? what kind of names are bold, italisize, and both?|| |||| ||I'm safe from the monster and the s! Hooray!|| || || || || ||DaAaAaAaAa! I'm scared|| ||WikiWord!|| ||Wouldn't you like to know. Mu ha ha ha!|| ||What's that racket in the next cell?|| s who hold s!|| = *eats the sand* = trama lama ding dong Homestar RULES! ##### #| |# #### # # # ##### ## #### # ### <-- Homestar ## #### ####### ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ##### ##### ###### ###### = *This isfififi big ( I hope)* = = take the e-mail to the market and get yourself some fishsticks = Yuifjklcfdhjcdhbkldjbkldfjkblfcdsdjkbsdfjkbjk.;dfI don'yt get it wats gouinmgn ofvn HAPPY LEEF ERIKSON DAY! henger hoyvan hanna! = BIG = fahordlingrads! w00t no kidding, stwong bahd hi. look, and you will see, upon the floppys, on the right of the boxr, "****". on 99. gnrfgnsryyjnfhrgh rhsrthrgythed hyrysryjrfghr yjuy7grfgyjukjgf rt6dik rthwgyhjgdnbxf gbhtrjgjnethegerethsthryhryhrhhjrtghndfgbwrtgerghbhbethnrbnbgnn = NEROO!!! = <br>(I hope) woah, you 'd dee bathroom! !!!It's A New RECORD!!! ||Stwong Bad||[text color=maroon]"fdshafhscg"[text/] dsghfgxthjAFgh R U on line man? YYYYYYYY <font color="blue">Somtin'</font> || 'sample.bs2 - Sample ARobot program - Mike Chapman 4/3/04 || || 'The LEDs flash and the steering motor moves according || || 'to the whiskers (in the boxing gloves) || || || ||net || con 8 || 'coprocessor network pin || ||Baud||con 396||'coprocessor network baud rate|| || || ||Start: ||freqout ,.150,1000||'Holy Crap!|| || || ||sl: || if 1n0=0 then wh1 || 'Left boxing glove || || || if in1=0 then wh2|| 'Right boxing glove || || serout net.baud.["!1R180"] || 'Walk center || || pause 500 || Pause 1/2 second || || || || low 10 || 'Eye lights on || || high 11 || 'Jewel light on || || wh1: || serout net.baud["!1R150] || 'Walk Right || || || pause 500 || Pause 1/2 second || || wh2: ||["!1R140"] || 'Walk Left || || || pause 500 || Pause 1/2 second || Above is a section of programming for your very own Homsar LordKarkonWasHere ||Crazy Cars||Dodge Balls||The Maze that Pays||Spar|| ||Wario Whirled||Repellion||Super Wario Bros.||ring|| ||Saving Face||Wario Wear||I Spy||War|| ||Diamond Dig||Hectic Highway||Mug Shot||io|| GEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Football Player ROOLS!!!!!!!!!!! ---- *I like They Might Be Giants. They do music for *Visit them at and *--My Evil Twin's Twin ---- This is e-mail is my flavorite! Linkedy-Blinkedy Fahorglinggrass! CoManche == Poop? == This is my crappy voice! OK,this is a cool jpg! Am I right?!-Ian I left a stinky in a guy's face! -Some Person Who Is Not BOBERT I will dee bathroom (I hope) fhwoiehie iehfi oieht fhqwhgads kihri rbgiurbiughbriuhg8ghb n bgiuy7ub kjhu uhuhuhuhuh98 iujikni jnob i biugbiugiuhiuhuihiuhiu deebathroom WhatTheCrap!yugygf 6y7utg 786tg7 JuJuKooooo gUYGUY uyguyGUYIGUYGUbre uuuuu uhdiu ufgbn iuubguugugu googoo aphotoofthedeceased 2boxesoreos didyoujustcallmestinkoman dubbledeuce homestarrungo=douglas=a href (i hope) -SibbieSong Yo peoples! How do U put pics in here? And how do U make A BOX? = ¿Ç¾Æ¼æ¥ = KILLJOY ||'Made with Witches brew''|| SephirothBadRel why cant it read html? Who crapped? Me! yo momma!!! |||| Http:// I AM DIABOROMON. I AM ABOUT TO ADVERTISE STUFF. CAN YOU STOP ME? Homestar: Nope. Probably not. Strongbad: What the crap?! Why's a freakin' Digimon here? And why is he sending some 'so cool a flash' e-mails to me? I'm so confused. StrongBad okay once idrew this really cool picture called homestar kids that showed all the c haracters as kids i am going to try to post it somewhere on this site HOMSAR RULES --------------- ----------- ---------- ---------------- Three-to-One Marny? -Gooblies Three-to-One Marny? again. -Gooblies bomb teh ¶¶1o1n15_1Übuyguyg_48+4 mijniu+njiu ÷Gnhiu? o¿Ÿ1úbhu ygv!dd½alkjslsÑyugy6_ì__1hybƒygbæhuhö 6dP _ddd_ÜM one µL of water please¿ ó_µE -ghhuvhgv7 û-?Ü|áAÂ+Ñ~PP>å= +<R-VV7§üå_ûOGæö zfd -SibbieSong ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- bread ----------------- makes --------------------- me --------------------- ||poop|| -------------------- BALEETED! TBC Baleeted your face! : ||ko|| ==== frtytffjn === ||Um...BOX?Anyone?huh?ANYONE?|| I need some help putting images up. ="And someone's a-ga-wabbin' my butt!"= -Hagurumon ||Hey!||These|| ||are||most|| ||likely||moving|| ||boxes.||I|| ||wanna||live|| ||in||Saskatchewan!|| ||By||The Pie Guy|| sunnythehamstar (test) -sunnythehamstar (test) ||Box?|| ||Welcome|| ||to|| |||| ~bkmlb --bkmlb = 16 MILLION DOLLARS!! = = ziop = ||You guys are total freaks, man. Especially you, Ben.|| ak;sdjlkdsksdljfglkdsafghodsfajghj;sdklfjsd' How do make a box? *ooh what does this do?* ||Box?|| ||this is fun|| this is a test <html> <IMG SRC="hswin.bmp"> </html> =We're from the band Limozeeeeeen!!!!= (the best band in the world) ||Box?||ghhh|| 'NOW i;m confused' BECAUSE IT'S 6:09 EST! -Sunnythehamstar Alakazam9891 It's me again! Orion, Stop scewing w/ my posts. It's really annoying. >:-[ = ??? = <code> <IMG SRC="hswin.png"> </code> <code> i a M a d O o f u s . </code> Okay, can someone tell me how to do all this crap? I'm so freaking ignorant.-NickelBad Sorry mang. SibbieSong is a song about Sibbie Back to Top dls rules everybody likes dls exsept it's secret and you don't know about it AgentNine AgentEight AND I'LL NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER WRITE A SONG ABOUT THE SIBBIE!!!!!!!! OoooOH look, the Cheat, he's a striped green bunny with two butts! SO RIPBERGER we meet agin! BOOM! WHAT! CHERRYBOMB!BOOM BAM KABAM KABOOM! WHAT my plan is ruined! = JEARORGHB! = l00k at m3! I c4n sp33k 1337! Translated: Look at me, I can speak leet! Mary had an M-16, M-16 M-16 Mary had an M-16 so early in the morning My adam bomb My adam bomb Blowing up contries with out a care! qwertyuiop asdfghjkl zxcvbnm Alright let's see if this works... 20X6!!! = TAKE IT TO THE HOUSE!!!!!! = ||I'm in my own little box...|| I'm in Keyboarding. It's boooooring..... Strongsad's still awxome though. -Sunnythehamstar || I'm || in || || A || box|| thejeek CHEATAR!!! Fav Quotes: ||Homestar||Stwong Baaaaaaad|| ||Strong Bad||Holy Crap!!|| ||Strong Mad||TAKE IT TO THE HOUSE!!!|| ||The Cheat||(Now turn that camera off before I throw this bust of Van Buren at it)|| [[Anchor crap]] Sonic Adventure 2 Battle This is so awesome none of you can believe it. -Crap ||quack|| fhq This is the best video game i've ever played! || Be a box! || MAKE IT DANCE!! MAKE IT PRANCE!! ||Livin' It Up, Livin' It Up, BOX!|| ======hi====== = So this is how this works... = = I made four holes-in-one in one night on Woods PGATour 2004! = |||| |||| |||| |||| |||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||| |||| |||| A bookshelf! --AgentNine ||excardon me|| ||would you h|| ||elp an old || ||denominator|| ||like me gat|| ||her his spe|| ||ctacles || YESSS. it worked - Da Bee a new style of runners. gun runner. *hi. = Hi MY NAME iS CRAP AND i iS NOT NEW TOO (SPELiNGS)? AND GRAMERS = No. Seriously. I'm not. -*`~+Crap+~`* Strong Bad Eats crap. [about:blank , , | , ,] [Is this how we do links? Guess so.] forty-two [Forty-two] || || || || It's a giant picture! -Nelson339 ||It's... some... Kind... of... invisible... box...|| (Raimundo from Xiaolin Showdown) -Fuzzypig = SEE TOP OF PAGE MR. TELOGIS = ---- Bri was here! ------ I'm in search of a collection of those mini animation icons. If you have any please put them on my page with your name! Thank you! - Da Bee ---- TEST woo x {z} = mutilator so im a midget, you wanna fight aboudit? = ||||| aviator || [] = DELORTED! = *What did you delort? * Nothing, I just like saying Delorted! ---- = The King of Town's Adventure 4 = = Return of the King is out Now! =*_md_wht.gif ||AAAHHH! I"M STUCK IN A BOX!!!!|| = BIG = ||= I'm italic, big, and in a box! I think I got the hang of it! =|| || Nope, you're just italic in a box. || ||I'm Homestar, and this is a box!||NOT!!!!!!! ||He stuffed me in a box!!!|| One, too, tree, four! Email's awesome! Email's WEIRD! Email's awesome an' Email's weird, an' I'll NEVER FORGET THE WAY IT WAS, GRRRRRRRRRLLLL!!! emailemailemailemailemailemailemail Yours truly, DELETED! jhfgjds tatataatatatgfhgvhgfhjfsgjhfjdsgfjdgjfgdsjgfgsadhfgkjsadgfdsgjfggfhnfghgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhgfkghkvkvkbfkjfjkbvvbn ,mhkdjfhbhbrfrgvkhvbhfdbivdjfg It's grrl. It's fixed. ソニック DELORTED!!!! We don't need 2 duckpond graphics ok, i know how to show images now. Triple the Strong Bad, Triple The Errors. - Stong Bad Oh andifyou'lllookuptheriverherecomesanotheroneofourtourguideshisnameisthecheateveryonesayhiiithecheeeatt Hiiide and seek And don't forget to experience the fury of.. our gift shooooop. Oh, that was a close call. Is everybody ok? I'm not- Shut up. Please leave your valuables under your seat, and exit to your riiiiight. Eh Steve>You strong bad, you just got OWN3D! what a n00b.. anyway, I made that picture myself! NO, You didn't (Actually, the real statement is pwned, which you just pwned yourself ^^) Yeah, I knew that. but there are a lot of pictures on the newgrounds BBS that have own3d written on them Oh CRAP thats right. Sorry i forgot boing boing 'boing' Daaaaaaaaah!!!! I'm just in time for the murder mystery!-TheCrispo I will hit you with a stun muffin.--TubularLuggage Shopiom's idiotic post: ||It's tough being a box, but I'm livin' it up! Livin' it up!|| ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Have I reached the center of the earth yet? Pufflebird ownz joo B-) -sunnythehamstar ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- homsar ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- I dont know what im doing right now so ill go cut a shrub.......... ||STRONG BAD OWNS YOU!|| 10 Hagurumon is awesome! 20 Repeat 30 Go to 10 Or something like that. {{ ----- ---------- ---------------------------}} ANCiENT SHRiNE'D! Ahnberg hand'd! -Crap Ok time to play\ ||does this make a box?||||let's test this out|| Yay! So now I have to learn how to post pictures... = WOW LOOK AT THIS! = {{ ASCii ART BELOW THE (LiNE)? }} +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Uhhh... ||Am I||Doing this right?|| ||||If not, then...||Technochocolate|| ||||BurninatorBoombox|| ||||It's tough|||being a|| |||box, but I'm|||| |||LIVIN' IT UP!|||| LEGETIMATE BUSINESS!!! Digga... A-digga... A-diggitydiggitydiggitydiggityDELETED!!!!!!!!!!!!! ||I'm|| ||afraid|| ||of|| ||your|| ||booty|| ||...|| ||machine|| ||...|| ...So... I guess I'm just supposed to type anything, right? ...Homestar quotes it is! "DELORTED!" BALEETED! ||DELETED!|| Let's see how that turns out... ---- = Does this do anything? = How 'bout this? (Ouch! I just smacked my elbow on...the thing.)? I'm a maniac, maniac...! Doo-dilee-doo... What? ||Am I in a box? I am?! Am I in italic? No, no, wait! Don't tell me! I wanna find out for myself!|| I WAS HERE! ||freaky D'td||diggity|| ||chadeated||beefeated|| ||deedleated||stupid word|| ||meathead?||believe it|| ||dltd||receive ed|| ||duh lee ted||stratego|| ||teeteeted||3TDted|| ||bubs||seabed|| ||diddley dee||whitebread|| ||repeated||open sesame|| ||733t3d||marie|| ||3-D movie||hello|| ||del monte||de la soul|| ||ddddddd||geleted|| ||da cheated||feeted|| What is that stupid wooooord? BALEETED!!!!!!!! ~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*^_______________________________________^ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ? ?? ??? ???? ????? ????? ???? ??? ?? ? tee-hee Mike test, 1 2 3 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Whee!!! "I will now spell encycopedia!..What?..Oh, man, I really blew it this time..." "Between the milk and the cold ones!!!" "Weeeeeeeellllllllll...the Poopsmith he would talk, and Mirzipan would rock, and the stick would be this big ole tree that tried to eat everyone except the Cheat and me-" "AND ME!" "We'll see! And the King of Town would be under ground in a box fiiilled upp witthh peeaas. Bub's would give away flame throwers, that shoot chocolate hundred dollar bills-" "Immitation chocolate!" "My stupid baby brother would have been born with horns and a tail!" "I'm evil..." "2,3,4 And this little guy, would be a modestly hot girl, to help me through the hard times. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuuuyyysss!" *Cheering* "I'm a song from the 60's!" "Look's like I'm gonna hafta juuuuummmp!" -much love to all ya H*R fans out there! xoxo, kassie I'm editing this for no reason. Everybody bow down to Sonic the Hedgehog. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Uhhh....cheese? I'm new to the whole wiki thing but i'm a long time fan of H* [[! WikiSandbox/movetest1]] I'm a song from the 60's!!!!!!!!!!! DIRTY DANG DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T EAT DIRTY DANG DOGS! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Dear Strong Bad, Bob From, Stu > Shut up, crapface! Junk Prepare to be berdond by the huanting memory of my gohstly gohst pirates BOXES ROCK SCOTTMAN13 was here!!!!!!! KING OF TOWN!!!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!! click here for a free coupon for free beer! JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ the jet plane! Tinky-Winky, Dipsey, Laa-Laa, Po! dghfl;djsajgfjgkjbv.dsmbgsz.kl Run sb email.exe! -------------------------------- happy t! -------------------------------- Lilac ----- My favorite oxymoron: Microsoft Works MINE TOO -dayve_57 The empty Glass is full The part that your face implodes in is at the end of the movie --- Box score official statistics approved by Major League Baseball and the Office of the Commissioner #I am still awesome ##Seriously. *Coach, I wan't try'n to fade you *I dunno who those peoples were. --- ||I||Say|| #You're Not == Bowing Down == but I am EdiTing? ThIs? for a ReasOn. <code> ___ __|_________ |_____|()()| | ______| (HOMESTARRUNNER!) | | | |______ Aw-iiiggghhhtt is not the same as |__________| | | | | | | | | |__________| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___| |____| |___ | || | | || | |______||______| </code> Really, you weird type person, you need to CODE your arts!!!!!! empty space! Hey, I reverted a page. No, it didn't work. I mean, the empty space. Prreow. No, really. Arts isn't a word. I just did that. Double spacing doesn't work? NO!!!!! you need to bow down to Mr. Sonic. ||Box'd!|| = Bigger'd! = = How do you import pictures from your computer? = Get web space somewhere and upload your pictures there, then link them here. ummmmmmmmmmmmmm how do you make a box </code> [hi] |||| ARROWED! [Not A Sonic Site That Is Mine!] ||Your computer will blow up in 576,687,475,796,586,586,302,576,038,594, Milliseconds. Please press okay to blow me up. PRESS OKAY!.||OKAY|| <code> __ ___________________ __|" | /Where my hat is at?\ \_____| \___________________/ |homsar| |_____ | _| |_ </code> Um, is it okay to delete stuff on this page? -Ingiald Um, no. You can't delete the Sandbox. I can't delete anything on this page? -Ingiald Only if you find defamatory language, a hundred links to a site, that kind of thing, in which case you would add the person to WikiTroll. hmm! well, let me try uploading some pictures, and fooling around. |hmm? hmm.| ||alright...|| = Yes = ==M-hm.== swick. -dayve_57 this is my funny voooice book8.jpg ||is this box|| |||| = big = The colo(u)r of infinity inside an empty glass-William S. ----------------------- do u has what it takes to put stuff on here?justin77 This is odd... --------------------- |||| = I was raised from a cup of coffee! = |||| = Leeko! Leeko! Leeko! = |||| = Ahhh!!! It's Trogdor the Burninator! = |||| = Behold the mighty evolution of Homestar! = |||| = I'm a song from the sixties! = |||| = Come on get in the boat. Fish! Fish! Come on get in the boat. Fish! Fish! = |||| = Come back Ali. Come back Ali's sister. = Made by- The_Green_Goblin ---------------------------------- Hey, you said I could do anything! FAKEBARFAKEBARFAKEBARFAKEBARFAKEBARFAKEBARFAKEBAR,etc. 懪閍뒗鄉鯃蹩ඣ If that looks weird, set your encoding to Shift-JIS If you can read that, tell me... I don't know what I'm doing because I'm bored and I drank too much root beer and lemonade. UHH Everybody! Shoot stuff using laser guns! And a couple o' P-Guns! And a couple o' muskrat! GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! DOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!587435892309528gmkfm093idxnvcchocobosarecool,man783yuu5ihsdbfjbdzo;w498triuoesjfoisdjiogjknxjkfdxfoxdydf.doijfoipeherpzxknfjkhjbhdshgispsxiuehhthpsf,dixpdspw45156444. Can anyone find the hidden phrase in that mess? -Dreamseeker Let's use my paste button and see what pops up. Kitchen Oh, so that's what I copied last. Alright, let's try this thang. |You|drive|a|hard|bargain,|Mr.|Beoulve| |I'll|take|it!| Click here for a secret page It says "chocobos are cool, man" -Daheiji Buy me pinnapples I am dumb - Daheiji Kilroy was here and he is the modern man. Fhqwhgads. ...stupid little brother... -Daheiji Alan Keyes is dating my care! Samoans, please, if you don't mind, do the humpty hump. = "It's a Lion!!" = Okay, here it goes: = DON'T DO THIS ANYWHERE BUT THE SANDBOX!!! = |